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Связанные издания:
A Note on the Quality of Random Variates Generated by the Ratio of Uniforms Method
A note on the subtree isomorphism for order and relate problems
Another Error Recovery Algorithm for LR Parsers
A Novel Paradigm of Parallel Computation and its Use to Implement Simple High Performance Hardware
An Overview of Computational Complexity
Ant Algorithms: Proc./Third Intern. Workshop, ANTS 2002, Brussels, Belgium, September 2002
Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence: Proc./4th International Workshop, ANTS 2004. Brussels, Belgium, September 2004
Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence: Proc./5th International Workshop, ANTS 2006. Brussels, Belgium, September 2006
Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence: Proc./6th International Conference, ANTS 2008. Brussels, Belgium, September 2008
Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems: From Psichological Theories to Artificial Cognitive Systems
An аlgorithm for computing symmetric congruence closure of finite states automata
A P2P Genetic Algorithm Environment for the Internet: Effectively Utilizing Distributed Computational Resources While Hiding the Complexity of the Network Programming
A Parallel Algorithm for Image Smoothing Based on Intrinsic Parameters
A parallel algorithm for two processors precedence constraint scheduling
A Parallel Best-first B&B with Synchronization Phases
A Parallel Block Implementation of Level-3 BLAS for MIMD Vector Processors
A Parallel Implementation of the EQUIP Expert System
A Parallel Tree N-body Code for Heterogeneous Clusters
A Perfect Parallel Dictionary
A Periodic Symmetrically-Initiated Load Balancing Algorithm for Distributed Systems
A Pipeline Algorithm for Interactive Volume Visualization
A Polinomial-time Graph Algorithm to Decide Liveness of some Basic Classes of Bounded Petri Nets
A Polynomial Algorithm Testing Partial Confluence of Basic Semi-Thue Systems
A Polynomial-Time Algorithm to Decide Liveness of Bounded Free Choice Nets
A polynomial time algorithm to decide pairwise concurrency of transitions for 1-bounded conflict-free Petri nets
Application and Theory of Petri Nets: Proc./33rd International Conference, PETRI NETS 2012, Hamburg, Germany, June 2012
Application of an Improved Genetic Algorithm to the Learning of Neural Networks
Applications, Algorithms, and Software for Massively Parallel Computing
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: Proc./EvoWorkshops 2004 - EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET, EvoHOT, EvolASP, EvoMUSART, and EvoSTOC, Coimbra, Portugal, April 2004
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: Proc./EvoWorkshops 2006: EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoINTERACTION, EvoMUSART, and EvoSTOC. Budapest, Hungary, April 2006
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: Proc./EvoWorkshops 2007: EvoCOMNET,EvoFIN, EvoIASP, EvoINTERACTION, EvoMUSART, EvoSTOC & EvoTRANSLOG. Valencia, Spain, April 2007
Applied Active Databases for Evolving Image Processing Algorithms
Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: Proc./11th Intern. Symp., AAECC-11 Paris, France, July 1995
Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: Proc./13th Intern. Symp., AAECC-13. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, November 1999
Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: Proc./15th Intern. Symp., AAECC-15, Toulouse, France, May 2003
Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: Proc./16th International Symposium, AAECC-16. Las Vegas, NV, USA, February 2006
Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: Proc./17th International Symposium, AAECC-17. Bangalore, India, December 2007
Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms, and Error-Correcting Codes: Proc./18th International Symposium, AAECC-18, Tarragona, Spain, June 2009
Applied Computing: Proc./Second Asian Applied Computing Conference, AACC 2004. Kathmandu, Nepal, October 2004
Applied Parallel Computing: State of the Art in Scientific Computing: Revised Selected Papers/7th International Workshop, PARA 2004. Lyngby, Denmark, June 2004
Applied Parallel Computing: State of the Art in Scientific Computing: Revised Selected Papers/8th International Workshop, PARA 2006. Umea, Sweden, June 2006
Approximate and Exact Deterministic Parallel Selection
Approximate Mean Value Analysis for Stochatic Marked Graphs
Approximate Medians and other Quantiles in One Pass and with Limited Memory
Approximating Longest Directed Paths and Cycles
Approximating the Algebraic Relational Semantics of Imperative Programs
Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization: Proc./Intern. Workshop APPROX 98. Aalborg, Denmark, July 1998
Approximation Algorithms for Min-k-overlap Problems Using the Principal Lattice of Partitions Approach
Approximation Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems on Plannar Graphs
Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Problem and Its Variants in Network Design
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