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Связанные издания:
Broadband Applications and Services Prospectus
Broadband Communications: Networks, Services, Applications, Future Directions: Proc./1996 Intern. Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications, IZS 96. Zurich, Switzerland, February 1996
Broadband ISDN: An Overview
Broadband Network Teletraffic: Performance Evaluation and Design of Broadband Multiservice Networks; Final Report of Action COST 242
Building Future Medical Education Environments over ATM Networks
Build Your Own WWW Server
Byzantine Agreement with Mixed Failure Types
CAB: An Environment for Developing Concurrent Application
Call Center Solutions
Capabilities and Limitations of Deep Feedforward Neural Networks
Categorizing Computing Assets According to Communication Patterns
Causal Behaviours and Nets
CeBIT 91 - дух единения
Cellular and PCS Digital-Mobile-Services Switching Center
Cellular-Neural Computations. Formal Model and Possible Applications
Chain Reactions in Networks
Challenges in Applying Objects to Large Systems
Chaos Engineering in Japan
Characteristics of Wide-Area TCP/IP Conversations
Characterizing the Resource Demands of TCP/IP
Characterizing voice transmission performance for evolving business networks
CLAM: Composition Language for Autonomous Megamodules
Classification and Syntax of Constraints in Binary Semantical Networks
Clint-Server Computing
Cloud Computing - CLOUD 2018: Proc./11th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2018, Seattle,WA,USA, June 2018
Cluster Computing: The Wave of the Future?
Code Generation for Packet Header Intrusion Analysis on the IXP1200 Network Processor
Collaboration between Human and Artificial Intelligence: Coordination and Agent-Based Distributed Computing
Collaborative Agents - Research and Development: Revised Selected Papers/ International Worcshops CARE@AI09/CARE@IAT10, Melbourne, Australia, December 2009 and Toronto, Canada, August 2010
Collaborative Multimedia Systems: Synthesis of Media Objects
COMANDOS - распределенная неоднородная платформа для создания систем обработки данных
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications: Proc./Third International Conference, COCOA 2009. Huangshan, China, June 2009
Combining Neural Networks and Fuzzy Controllers
Communication Latency Hiding Model and Implementation in High-Latency Computer Networks
Communications and Multimedia Securitu: Proc./13th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 International Conference, CMS 2012, Canterbury, UK, September 2012
Communications in Bus Networks
Communications Privacy: Implications for Network Design
Communication Throughput of Interconnection Networks
Community Computing and Support Systems /Sotial Interaction in Networked Communities
Community Networks: Building a New Participatory Medium
Comparative Models of the File Assignment Problem
Comparing Distance Functions and Neural Networks for Estimating Road Travel Distances
Comparison Between Artificial Neural Networks and Classical Statistical Methods in Pattern Recognition
Comparison of Rate-Based Service Disciplines
Compas - универсальное средство диагностики и контроля ЛВС
Compiling PLAN to SNAP
Complete Structural Characterization of State Machine Allocatable Nets
Component-Based Deployment and Management of Services in Active Networks
Component Selection for Heterogeneous Active Networking
Components Everywhere
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