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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
An Operating System Support to Low-Overhead Communications in NOW Clusters
An Orthogonal Classification of Multicast Mechanisms
An Overview of Pan-European Networks
APL2 Implementation of Cross-System Shared Variables
Application of Model-Based Reasoning to the Maintenance of Telecommunication Networks
Application of Petri Nets to Communication Networks: Advances in Petri Nets
A Progmatic Approach to C++, Eiffel and Ada 9X Programming
A Proof System for Asynchronously Communicating Deterministic Processes
A Proposal for Structuring Petri Net-Based Agent Interaction Protocols
Architectures, Coordination, and Distance: Conway s Law and Beyond
A Real-Time Transition Model for Analyzing Behavioral Compatibility of telecommunacation Services
A Response to Cheriton and Skeen s Criticism of Causal and Totally Ordered Communication
A Semantic Link Model for Hypertext Retrieval
A Service-driven Vision of Integrated Broadband Communications: The OSA Approach
A Simple and Efficient Process and Communication Abstraction for Network Operating Systems
A Social Semantics for Agent Communication Languages
ASTERIX: The TINA-C Architecture Applied to ATM Connection Management
A Study of Distributed Transaction Processing in an Internetwork
A Survey of Asynchronous Remote Procedure Calls
Asymptotically Optimal Communication Algorithms on Faulty Folded Peterson Networks
Asynchronous Communication of Petri Nets and Refinement of Transitions
A Tightly-Coupled Processor-Network Interface
A Transputer T9000 Family Based Architecture for Parallel Database Machines
A Type Mechanism Based on Restricted CCS for Distributed Active Objects
A Unified Algebraic Framework for Specifying Communication Protocols
A Unified Data-Flow Framework for Optimizing Communication
Automated Analysis of Mutual Exclusion Algorithms using CCS
Automated Verifications of Communication Protocols Using CCS and BDDs
Automatic Binding of Native Scientific Libraries to Java
Automatic generation of sheduling and communication code in real-time parallel programs
Automatic Production of Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Systems
Autonomic and Trusted Computing: Proc./6th International Conference, ATC 2009. Brisbane, Australia, July 2009
Average-Clicks: A New Measure of Distance on the World Wide Web
A Verification Procedure via Invariant for Extended Communicating Finite-State Machines
Beyond Definition/Use: Architectural Interconnection
BLISSVOX - Voice Output Communication System for Teaching, Rehabilitation, and Communication
Broadband Applications and Services Prospectus
Broadband Communications: Networks, Services, Applications, Future Directions: Proc./1996 Intern. Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications, IZS 96. Zurich, Switzerland, February 1996
Broadcasting with Priority
Build a Firewall
Call Center Solutions
Chapter 14. A Framework for Global Communication Analysis and Optimizations
Chapter 6. Communications
Characterizing the Accuracy of Distributed Timestamps
Characterizing the Resource Demands of TCP/IP
COBRA-Based Data Transfer for Financial Risk Management
Collaboration and Control. Crisis Management and Multimedia Technology in London Underground Line Control Rooms
Collective Communication Performance Analysis Within the Communication System
Combining Optimism and Pessimism to Produce High Availability in Distributed Transaction Processing
Communication Abstraction and Refinement
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