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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Hardware Support for Collective Communication Operations
Hierarchical Model and Communication by Signs, Signals, and Symbols in Multi-Agent Environments
Hierarchical Modularity
Higher-Order Concurrent Programs with Finite Communication Topology
High-Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications: Proc./6th IEEE Intern. Conf., HSNMC 2003, Estoril, Portugal, July 2003
Horus: A Flexible Group Communication System
HuMaNet: An experimental Human-Machine Communications Network Based on ISDN Wideband Audio
IEH graphs. A novel generalization of hypercube graphs
Implementation and Performance of the MPI Message Passing Interface on the Fujitsu AP1000 Multicomputer
Implementierung von Kommunikationsprotokollen
Implementing inter-tool communication in an open design framework
Improving AP1000 Parallel Computer Performence with Message Communication
Improving IPC by Kernel Design
Incremental Generation of Index Sets for Array Statement Execution on Distributed-Memory Machines
Ineractive Multimedia on Next Generation Networks: Proc./First Intern. Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems, MIPS 2003, Naples, Italy, November 2003
InfoMall: A Scalable Organization for the Development of High Performance Computing and Communications Software and Systems
Information Retrieval Using Desired Impression Factors
Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making: Proc./International Symposium, IUKM 2011, Hangzhou, China, October 2011
Integrating Links and Versioning in Document Management
Interconnection Networks Based on Block Designs
Interdependence and Mutual Impact of Artificial Intelligence, General Theory of Communication and Human-Computer Interaction
Interfaces between Languages for Communicating Systems
Internet в России
Interoperability Testing Based on a Fault Nodel for a System of Communicating FSMs
Interoperable Transactions in Business Models - A Structured Approach
Interprocedural Communication Optimizations for Distributed Memory Compilation
Invariants, Frames and Postconditions: a Comparison of the VDM and B Notations
Investigations of the Software Testing Coupling Effect
Issues in Agent Communication
Issues in Agent Communication: An Introduction
Joint Project Proposal for a Research and Development Computer Network of the Republic of Belarus
Kernel-Kernel Communication in a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor
Kommunikation in verteilten Betriebssystemen
Kommunikationskomponente fur eine dezentrale Software-Etwicklungsumgebung
LAN Interconnection Over IEEE 802.6 DQDB Networks
Law-Governed Linda as a Coordination Model
LICO: A Multi-platform Channel-Based Communication Library
Lightweight Causal and Atomic Group Multicast
Limits to Low-Latency Communication on High-Speed Networks
Linking Theories of Concurrency
Liveness of Weighted Circuits and the Diophantine Problem of Frobenius
Locality Optimizations for Parallel Machines
Location-Independent Communication for Mobile Agents: A Two-Level Architecture
Logic and Its Applications: Proc./6th Indian Conference, ICLA 2015, Mumbai, India, January 2015
Loosely-Coupled Processes
Lower Bounds for the Modular Communication Complexity of Various Graph Accessibility Problems
Machine Learning in Communication Nets
Management of Virtual Private Networks for Integrated Broadband Communication
Managing Multimedia Sessions on a Private Broadband Communication System
Managing the Evolution of .NET Programs
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