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Связанные издания:
Media Lessons from the National Capital FreeNet
Membership Algorithms for Multicast Communication Groups
Metaphors and Layers of Signification: The Consequences for Advanced User Service Interfaces
Meta-Vlisp, langue maternelle pour acteurs "robotiques" a base de transputers
Methoden zur Zuverlassigkeitsanalyse von Rechnernetztopologien
Minimization of Communication Cost Through Caching in Mobile Environments
Mining Association Rules between Sets of Items in Large Databases
Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks: Proc./IFIP-TC6/European Commission, NETWORKING 2000 Intern. Workshop, MWCN 2000. Paris, France, May 2000
Mobile Communications. Advanced Systems and Components: Proc./1994 Intern. Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications. Zurich, Switzerland , March 1994
Mobile Communications: Proc./7th CDMA Intern. Conf., CIC 2002, Seoul, Korea, October-November 2002
Mobile Human-Computer Interaction - Mobile HCI 2004: Proc./6th International Symposium, Mobile HCI 2004. Glasgow, UK, September 2004
Model Checking Communication Protocols
Modeling Communication between Cooperative Systems
Modeling Communication Interfaces with COMIX
Modeling of Communication Contention in Multiprocessors
Modeling Speedup of SPMD Applications on the Intel Paragon: A Case Study
Multi-Address Encoding for Multicast
Multicast Channels for Collaborative Applications: Design and Performance Evaluation
Multi-Level Security in Multiagent Systems
Multimedia: Advanced Teleservices and High-Speed Communication Architectures: Proc./Second Intern. Workshop, IWACA 94. Heidelberg, Germany, September 1994
Multimedia Communication
Multimedia Communications and Groupware
Multimedia Telecommunications and Applications: Proc./Third Intern. COST 237 Workshop. Barcelona, Spain, November 1996
Multimodal Messages: The Pen and Voice Opportunity
Multimodal Numan-Computer Communication: Systems, Techniques, and Experiments
Multiple Access Communications: Proc./5th International Workshop, MACOM 2012, Maynooth, Ireland, November 2012
Multiscattering on a reconfigurable network of processors
Nesting Action through Asynchronous Message Passing: the ACS Protocol
Network-Based Parallel Computing: Communication, Architecture, and Applications: Proc./Second Intern. Workshop, CANPC 98. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, January-February, 1998
Networked Group Communication:Proc./First Intern. COST264 Workshop, NGC 99. Pisa, Italy, November 1999
Networked Group Communication: Proc./Third Intern. COST264 Workshop, NGC 2001, London, UK, November 2001
NETWORKING 2004.Networking Technologies,Services,and Protocols;Performance of Computer and Communication Networks;Mobile and Wireless Communications:Proc./3th International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference.Athens,Greece,May 2004
Network Planning, Operation, and Maintenance Practices for Undersea Communication Systems
"Networks are cooperation" Summary of presentation slides
Next Generation Database Technologies for Advanced Communication Services
Object Design for Communication Protocol Software
Object-Oriented Methodology for Knowledge Base/Database Coupling
Obtaining Deadlock-Preserving Skeletons for Coloured Nets
On Asynchronous Communication Semantics
On Blocks: locality and asynchronous communication
On Composing Concurrent Logic Processes
On Loop Detection in Connection Calculi
On Per-session End-to-end Delay Distributions and the Call Admission Problem for Real-time Applications with QOS Requirements
On the Expressiveness of Coordination Models
On the Impacts of Intelligent Agent Concepts on Future Telecommunication Environments
On the Personal Communications Impacts on Multimedia Teleservices
On the Register Operator
Operational Semantics for Agent Communication Languages
Operations Systems: A Perspective
Optical Multistage Interconnection Networks: New Challenges and Approaches
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