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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
The Offset Cube: An Optoelectronic Interconnection Network
The Pragmatics of Naive Database Enquiry
The Pragmatics of Software Agents: Analysis and Design of Agent Communication Languages
The Race for Bandwidth: Understanding Data Transmission
The Real-Time Channel Administration Protocol
The Relationship Between Gossiping in Vertex-Disjoint Paths Mode and Bisection Width
The Reliable Router: A Reliable and High-Performance Communication Substrate for Parallel Computers
The Rhetoric of Ethics Compromised
The Southern Moscow Backbone
The STL++ Coordination Language: A Base for Implementing Distributed Multi-agent Applications
The XYZ GeoServer for Geometric Computation
Timed Network Semantics for Communicating Processes
Timely Authentication in Distributed Systems
TMN - движение к открытым системам в сетях связи
Topological Comparison of Perfect Shuffle and Hypercube
Totem: A Fault-Tolerant Multicast Group Communication System
Toward Automated Communication Software Development
Towards a Haskell/Java Connection
Towards Mixed Computation/Communication in Parallel Scientific Libraries
Towards Providing Network Connectivity via Satellite
Toward Vision 2001: Voice and Audio Processing Considerations
Traffic-Light Scheduling on the Grid
Transformations for Optimizing Interprocess Communication and Synchronization Mechanisms
Transformation Techniques in Pei
Transmission Facilities for Computer Communications
Trouble Communication Model in a Software Development Project
Tyrannical Links, Loose Associations, and Other Difficulties of Hypertext
Undersea Communications Technology
Understanding the Limitations of Causally and Totally Ordered Communication
Universal Routing Strategies for Interconnection Networks
Use of a Formal Description Technique in the Specification of Authentication Protocols
User Requirements for Advanced Communication Services
User Tracking and Mobility Management Algorithm for Wireless Networks
Usic Traffic Regulation to Meet End-to-End Deadlines in ATM Networks
Using Design Patterns to Develop Reusable Object-Oriented Communication Software
Using the Theorem Prover SETHEO for Verifying the Development of a Communication Protocol in FOCUS
Vectorized Presentation-Level Services for Scientific Distributed Applications
Video as a Technology for Informal Communication
Von Electronic-Mail zu multimedialer Post
Voting on Synchronous Communications
Web and Communication Technologies and Internet-Related Social Issues - HSI 2003: Proc./Second Intern. Conf. on Human.Society@Internet, Seoul, Korea, June 2003
What Is a Conversation Policy?
What Should Collaborative Technology Be? A Perspective From Dewey and Situated Learning
Why bother with CATOCS?
Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: Proc./Second Intern. Conf., WWIC 2004, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, February 2004
Wireless Messaging
Wireless Sensor Networks: Proc./7th European Conference, EWSN 2010, Coimbra, Portugal, February 2010
Wireless Systems and Technologies: An Overview
XHIVE: Interactive Parallel Application Development using the PCF Metodology
Автоматическое выявление таксономии в области преобразований программ на основе анализа семантических связей в публикациях
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