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Связанные издания:
Software Engineering Research and Applications: Selected Revised Papers/First International Conference, SERA 2003 San Francisco,CA,USA, June 2003
Software Engineering: Revised Tutorial Lectures/ International Summer Schools ISSSE 2006-2008, Salerno, Italy
Software Faults in Evolving a Large, Real-Time System: A Case Study
Software Language Engineering: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Conference, SLE 2009, Denver,CO,USA, October 2009
Software Metrics and the Conformance Testing of Data Security Standards
Software Process and Product Measurement: Revised Papers/International Conference, IWSM-Mensura 2007. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, November 2007
Software Process Improvement: Proc./14th European Conference, EuroSPI 2007. Potsdam, Germany, September 2007
Software Project Activity Network for Managing the Development and Testing Process
Software-Reliability-Engineered Testing
Software Stamping
Software Support for Parallel Computing: Where Are We Headed?
Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations: Revised Selected Papers/STAF 2016 Collocated Workshops: DataMod, GCM, HOFM, MELO, SEMS, VeryComp, Vienna, Austria, July 2016
Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems: Revised Papers/5th IFIP WG 10.2 International Workshop, SEUS 2007. Santorini Island, Greece, May 2007
Software Testing
Software Testing & Diagnostics: Theory & Practice
Software Testing for Dependability Assessment
Software Testing Research and Practice
Software Testing via Model Checking
Soip over Satellite Testing - TIM Experience
Some Conservative Stopping Rules for the Operational Testing of Safety-Critical Software
Specification-Based Testing of Firewalls
Specification-Based Testing of User Interfaces
Specification Based Testing: Towards Practice
sql и модульное тестирование
Standards and conformance testing in data security: Results of initial programme of investigation
STATEMATE Applied to Statistical Software Testing
State of the Art Techniques in Automatic Generation of Reference Implementations & Test Code from Formal Specifications
Static Slicing in the Presence of Goto Statements
Static Slicing of Threaded Programs
Stochastic Algorithms: Foundations and Applications: Proc./5th Iternational Symposium, SAGA 2009, Sapporo, Japan, October 2009
Strategies for Testing Form Assignment Software
Structural Specification-Based Testing: Automated Support and Experimental Evaluation
Structural Testing of Rule-Based Expert Systems
Structural Testing Strategies Applied to Knowledge-Based Systems
Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language and Method: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Workshop, SOFL 2012, Kyoto, Japan, November 2012
Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language and Method: Revised Selected Papers/3rd International Workshop, SOFL+MSVL 2013, Queenstown, New Zealand, October 2013
Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language and Method: Revised Selected Papers/5th International Workshop, SOFL+MSVL 2015, Paris, France, November 2015
Supporting Array Dependence Testing for an Optimizing/Parallelizing C Compiler
Survey of Benchmarks
Symbiosis of Static Analysis and Program Testing
Synthesis of O(lg n) Testable Trees
Systematic Software Testing Using VeriSoft - An Analysis of the 4ESS Heart-Beat Monitor
Systematic Testing of Software Architectures in the C2 Style
Target-Sensitive Construction of Diagnostic Programs for Procedure Calling Sequence Generators
TATOO: Testing and Analysis Tool for Object-Oriented Software
Techniques for Selective Revalidation
Term Position Ranking: Some New Text Results
Testability of a communnicating system through an environment
Testability of data security standards
Test-Case Calculation through Abstraction
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