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Связанные издания:
Computerized Adaptive Testing in Computer Science: Assessing Student Programming Abilities
Computer Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: Proc./SPEC Benchmark Workshop 2009, Austin, TX,USA, January 2009
Computing Unique Input/Output Sequences Using Genetic Algorithms
Concurrency, Compositionality, and Correctness: Essays in Honor of Willem-Paul de Roever
Concurrent Testing for Timed event Structures
Concurrent testing of processes
Concurrent Testing of Processes
Conditions for Resolving Observability Problems in Distributed Testing
Conformance Testing Techniques for Timed Systems
Continuous Monitoring and Performance Specification
Contract-Based Testing
Contribution to Goodenough s and Gerhart s Theory of Software Testing and Verification: Relation between Strong Compiler Test and Compiler Implementation Verification
Correction of Monitor Intrusion for Testing Nondeterministic MPI-Programs
Correct Passive Testing Algorithms and Complete Fault Coverage
Cross-Language Information Retrieval and Evaluation: Proc./Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2000, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2000
Crystographic Verification of Test Coverage Claims
C-Testable Cells for ATPG from RT Descriptions
Cyber Physical Systems: Design, Modeling, and Evaluation: Revised Selected Papers/6th International Workshop, CyPhy 2016, Pittsburgh,PA,USA, October 2016
DA-SoC: A Testbed for Modeling Distribution Automation Applications using Agent-Oriented Programming
Database Support for Usability Testing
Decidability of Logic Program Semantics and Applications to Testing
Deciding Testing Equivalence for Real-Time Processes with Dense Time
Defining Observation Objectives for Reactive and Distributed Systems
Demonstration of an Automated Integrated Testing Environment for CTI Systems
Dependable Computing: Proc./14th European Workshop, EWDC 2013, Coimbra, Portugal, May 2013
Dependable Computing: Proc./Second Latin-American Symposium, LADC 2005. Salvador, Brazil, October 2005
Dependable Computing: Proc./Third Latin-American Symposium, LADC 2007. Morelia, Mexico, September 2007
Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools, and Applications: Proc./1st International Symposium, SETTA 2015, Nanjing, China, November 2015
Derivation of Abstract Protocol Type Definitions for the Conformance Testing of Text-Based Protocols
Design and Implementation of a Test Bed for QoS Trials
Detecting Defects in Object Oriented Designs: Using Reading Techniques to Increase Software Quality
Detecting Quantified Global Predicates in Parallel Programs
Detection of Linear Errors via Domain Testing
Determining the Coverage of a Test Suite
Deterministic Fault Injection of Distributed Systems
Developing an Object-Oriented Software Testing and Maintenance Environment
Developing Parallel Applications Using High-Performance Simulation
Divergence and Fair Testing
Documentation Testing
Double Iterative Framework for Flow-Sensitive Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis
Dynamic Dependence in Term Rewriting Systems and its Application to Program Slicing
Dynamic Impact Analysis: A Cost-Effective Technique to Enforce Error-Propagation
Early Fault Detection Tools
Eclat: Automatic Generation and Classification of Test Inputs
ECOOP 2005 - Object-Oriented Programming: Proc./19th European Conference. Glasgow, UK, July 2005
ECOOP 2013 - Object-Oriented Programming: Proc./27th European Conference, Montpellier, France, July 2013
Effectiveness of Code Reading and Functional Testing with Event-Driven Object-Oriented Software
Efficient Boundary Values Generation in General Metric Spaces for Software Component Testing
Efficient Computation of Interprocedural Definition-Use Chains
Efficient Coverage Testing Using Global Dominator Graphs
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