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Связанные издания:
A Flexible Operation Execution Model for Shared Distributed Objects
A Flexible System Design to Support Object-Groups and Object-Oriented Distributed Programming
A Formal Description Technique Supporting Expression of Quality of Service and Media Synchronization
A Formal Foundation for Distributed Workflow Execution Based on State Charts
A Formalism for Remotely Interacting Processes
A Formal Study of Distributed Meeting Scheduling: Preliminary Results
A Framework for Dynamic Program Analyzers
A Framework for-Optimizing Distributed Workflow Executions
A Fully Compliant OpenMP Implementation on Software Distributed Shared Memory
A Functional Rephrasing of the Assumption/Commitment Specification Style
A General Approach to Trace-Checking in Distributed Computing Systems
A General Method to Define Quorums
A Generic and Executable Model for the Specification and Validation of Distributed Behaviors
A Generic Approach for Computer-Assistance of Complex Decision Processes
A Generic Information Retrieval System to Support Interoperability
A Generic, Peer-to-Peer Repository for Distributed Configuration Management
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications, Part II: Proc./4th KES International Symposium, KES-AMSTA 2010, Gdynia, Poland, June 2010
Agent-Based Tool Integration for Distributed Information Systems
Agent Language NUML and Its Reduction Implementation Model Based on HO
Agents and Artificial Intelligence: Revised Selected Papers/12th International Conference, ICAART 2020, Valletta, Malta, February 2020
Agents and Artificial Intelligence: Revised Selected Papers/9th International Conference, ICAART 2017, Porto, Portugal, February 2017
Agents and Artificial Intelligence: Revised Selectes Papers/7th International Conference, ICAART 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, January, 2015
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Formalisms, Methodologies, and Applications. Based on the AI 97 Workshops on Commonsense Reasoning, Intelligent Agents, and Distributed Artificial Intelligence. Perth, Australia, December 1997
Agents as Multi-threaded Logical Objects
Agents for Educational Games and Simulations: Revised Papers/ International Workshop, AEGS 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2011
Agents: Towards a Society in which Humans and Computers Cohabitate
Aggregate Table-Driven Querying via Navigation Ontologies in Distributed Statistical Databases
A Graphical Environment for GLADE
A Graphic Distributed Monitoring System for Unix-Based Architectures
A Hierarchical Adaptive Distributed System-Level Diagnosis Algorithm
A Hierarchical Interconnection Network for Real Time Distributed Multiprocessor Architectures
A Hierarchical Membership Protocol for Synchronous Distributed Systems
A Hierarchical Method for Reasoning about Distributed Programming Languages
A High-Level and Flexible Framework for Implementing Multiuser Interfaces
A Highly Available Application in the Trains Environment
A High Performance Parallel Algorithm for Exact Solutions of System of Linear Equations
A High-Speed DES Implementation for Network Applications
A Hybrid Model for Optimising Distributed Data Mining
AI 2020: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Proc./33rd Australasian Joint Conference, AI 2020, Canberra, ACT, Australia, November 2020
AIxIA 2020 - Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Revised Selected Papers/XIXth International Conference on the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Event, November 2020
A Java-Based, Distributed Process Management System for Collaborative Design and Manufacturing
A Java-Based Framework for Processing Distributed Objects
A Java Middleware for Gauranteeing Privacy of Distributed Tuple Spaces
A Kleene theorem for infinite trace languages
A Knowledge-Based Environment for the Validation of Distributed Systems
ALBA: A Programming Model for Distributed Memory Architectures
ALC for CLA: Towards description logic on concept lattices
Algorithm Engineering: Bridging the Gap between Algorithm Theory and Practice
Algorithmic Learning Theory: Proc./16th International Conference, ALT 2005. Singapore, October 2005
Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing: Proc./7th International Conference, ICA3PP 2007. Hangzhou, China, June 2007
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