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Связанные издания:
Towards a Lightweight HPF Compiler
Towards a Mechanically Supported and Compositional Calculus to Design Distributed Algorithms
Towards a Monitiring Interface Specification for Distributed Java Applications
Towards an Epistemic Approach to Reasoning about Concurrent Programs
Towards an OMG IDL Mapping for Common Lisp
Towards a Secure Platform for Distributed Mobile Object Computing
Towards a Semantic Event Service for Distributed Active Database Applications
Towards a theory of multimedia metacomputing
Towards a Unified Development Methodology for Shared-Variable Parallel and Distributed Programs
Towards Building Knowledge Centres on the World Wide Web
Towards Correct Distributed Simulation of High-Level Petri Nets with Fine Grained Partitioning
Towards First-Order Concurrent MetateM
Towards Flexible Distributed Information Retrieval
Towards Monitored Data Consistency and Business Processing Based on Declarative Software Agents
Towards the Formal Design of Self-Stabilizing Distributed Algorithms
Towards the Implementation of a Uniform Object Model
TPML: Parallel Meta Language for Scientific and Engineering Computations using Transputers
Transactional Remote Group Caching in Distributed Object Systems
Transactional Workflow Management in Distributed Systems
Transaction Management in Distributed Scheduling Environment for High Performance Database Applications
Transaction Shipping Approach for Mobile Distributed Real-Time Databases
Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence IV
Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XV
Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XVI
Transactions on Computational Science XXIII: Special Issue on Cyberworlds
Transactions on Computational Science XXIX
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems VI: Special Issue on Database-and Expert-Systems Applications
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XVIII
Transational Agent Model for Distributed Object Systems
Translating an AdaPT Partition to Ada9x
Translation from Adapted UML to Promela for CORBA-Based Applications
Transparency and Reflection in Distributed Systems (Position paper for 5th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 92)
Transputer Based Diesel Engine Simulation
Trends in Functional Programming: Revised Selected Papers/19th International Symposium, TFP 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2018
Trends in Shared Memory Multiprocessing
Trust in Distributed Artificial Intelligence
TS/Scheme: Distributed Data Structures in Lisp
Tuwards Open Service Environments
Two Algorithms for Barrier Synchronization
Two Fully Abstract Models for UNITY
Two Layers Distributed Shared Memory
Two-Step Pruning: A Distributed Query Optimization Algorithm
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing: Proc./6th International Conference, UIC 2009. Brisbane, Australia, July 2009
UCYMICRA: Distributed Indexing of the Web Using Migrating Crawlers
UML-Based Integration Testing
UML-Based Performance Modeling Framework for Component-Based Distributed Systems
Un compilateur Estelle multi-processeurs pour l experimentation d algorithmes distribues sur machines paralleles
Understanding Code Mobility
Understanding the Limitations of Causally and Totally Ordered Communication
Un environnement de programmation pour langage d acteur distribue
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