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Связанные издания:
Autentication in Distributed Systems: Theory and Practice
Authentication and Delegation with Smart-cards
Authentication in Distributed Systems: A Bibliography
Authentication in Distributed Systems: Theory and Practice
Authentication in the Taos Operating System
Authentication Service Model Supporting Multiple Domains in Distributed Computing
Automated Resolution of Semantic Heterogeneity in Multidatabases
Automatic Alignment of Array Data and Processes to Reduce Communication Time on DMPPs
Automatic Generation of Run-Time Test Oracles for Distributed Real-Time Systems
Automatic Production of Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Systems
Automatic Search for Performance Problems is Parallel and Distributed Programs by Using Multi-experiment Analysis
Autoscheduling in a Distributed Shared-Memory Environment
Availability and Reliability Issues in Distributed Databases Using Optimal Horizontal Fragmentation
Availability in the Echo File System
A Verification Approach for Distributed Abstract State Machines
A way to logically measure synchronisation for distributed executions
Axiomatizations of Temporal Logics on Trace Systems
A Zoomable DBMS for Brain Structure, Function and Behavior
Bakery Algorithms
Balanced Distributed Seach Trees Do Not Exist
Balancing Load Under Large and Fast Load Changes in Distributed Computing Systems - A Case Study
Benign Failure Models for Shared Memory
Beyond Flexibility and Reflection: The Virtual Virtual Machine Approach
Bibliography for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing
Bloking versus Nonbloking Interprocess Communication: A Note on the Effect on concurrency
Boolean Routing
Borland IntraBuilder - Intranet в реальном масштабе времени
Borland MIDAS - Золотой царь
Bounds on the Time to Reach Agreement in the Presence of Timing Uncertainty
Breaking Ties Deterministically in Distributed Simulation Schemes
Building and Performance Tuning a Distributed Reporting Application for an OODBMS
Building Consensus for Ada 9X
Building Large Distributed Software Systems Using Objects
Building Modular Communication Systems in Ada: The Simple_Com Approach
Businnes Process Management: Proc./8th International Conference, BPM 2010, Hoboken,NJ,USA, September 2010
CAB: An Environment for Developing Concurrent Application
Caching and Database Scaling in Distributed Shared-Nothing Information Retrieval Systems
Calculational Derivation of a Counter with Bounded Response Time
Calculi for Synchrony and Asynchrony
Captures de Continuations dans un Systeme Distribue: un Dialogue Client/Serveur Symbolique
CASA - Structured Design of a Specification Language for Intelligent Agents
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: Proc./18th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2010, Alessandria, Italy, July 2010
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: Proc./25th International Conference, ICCBR 2017, Trondheim, Norway, June 2017
Causal Behaviours and Nets
Causal Controversy at Le Mont St.-Michel (5th ACM SIGOPS Workshop 1992)
Causality Based Proof of a Distributed Shared Memory System
CCSP - A Formal System for Distributed Program Debugging
CCSP - формальная система для отладки распределенных программ
CDCS: A New Development Approach for Distributed Applications in Java
CEDISYS: Compositional Distributed Systems Final Report
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