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Связанные издания:
Bypass Strategy in Hypercube Multiprocessors by adding Bus Connections
CA90s - компьютерная архитектура 90-х годов
Cache-Aware Real-Time Disk Scheduling
Cache-Only Memory Architectures
Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs
CARMEL-4: The Unify-Spawn Machine for FCP
Case от IBM
Cellular and PCS Digital-Mobile-Services Switching Center
Changing Interaction of Compiler and Architecture
Chapter 15. Tolerating Communication Latency through Dynamic Thread Invocation in a Multithreaded Architecture
Characterization of Alpha AXP Performance using TP and SPEC Workloads
Choosing a Middleware for Web-Integration of a Legacy Application
CHORUS: A Communication and Processing Architecture for Distributed Systems
CL - An Editor the CLi6000 Field Programmable Gate Array and Its Implementation
CL-Editor User Manual
Cloud Computing - CLOUD 2018: Proc./11th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2018, Seattle,WA,USA, June 2018
Cloud Computing: Proc./First Internatioal Conference, CloudCom 2009, Beijing, China, December 2009
Code Positioning for VLIW Architectures
Cognitive Agents for Virtual Environments: Revised Selected Papers/1st International Workshop, CAVE 2012 Held at AAMAS 2012, Valencia, Spain, June 2012
Cognitive Vision Systems: Sampling the Spectrum of Approaches
COMANDOS - распределенная неоднородная платформа для создания систем обработки данных
Combining Computation with Database Access in Biomolecular Computing
Combining Real-Time with Knowledge Processing Techniques
Combining Static and Dynamic Views for Architecture Reconstruction
COM+ Developer s Reference Library. COM+ Programmer s Guide
Comments on Debugging Hypercubes in a von Neumann Language
Communication and Architectural Support for Network-Based Parallel Computing: Proc./First Intern. Workshop, CANPC 97. San Antonio, Texas, USA, February 1997
Communication Infrastructure in High-Performance Component-Based Scientific Computing
Communications Architectures for Fine-Grain Parallel Processing
Comparative Performance Evaluation of Cache-Coherent NUMA and COMA Architectures
Comparing Rebuild Algorithms for Mirrored and RAID5 Disk Arrays
Comparing Software Architectures for Coordination Languages
Comparing Software Pipelining for an Operation-Triggered and a Transport-Triggered Architecture
Comparing the Optimal Performance of Parallel Architectures
Comparisons between CORBA and DCOM: Architectures for Distributed Computing
Compiler Architectures for Heterogeneous Systems
Compiler Construction: 17th International Conference, CC 2008 - part of ETAPS 2008. Budapest, Hungary, March/April 2008
Compiler Techniques for Flat Neighborhood Networks
Compiling quantum programs
Compiling Rewriting onto SIMD and MIMD/SIMD Machines
Component-Based Software Engineering: Proc./10th International Symposium, CBSE 2007. Medford, MA, USA, July 2007
Component-Based Software Engineering: Proc./8th International Symposium, CBSE 2005. St.Louis, MO, USA, May 2005
Component-Based Software Engineering: Proc./9th International Symposium, CBSE 2006. Vasteras, Sweden, June/July 2006
Component Factory and Software Reuse
Component Frameworks for a Medical Imaging Product Family
Component Retrieval Based on Architecture for Reuse
Composing Software Components at Architectural Level
Compositional Formal Specification of Multi-Agent Systems
Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, Part I: Proc./3nd International Conference, ICCCI 2011, Gdynia, Poland, September 2011
Computational Components for Synchronous Cooperation on Multimedia Information
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