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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A 3-level Atomicity Model for Decentralized Process-centered Software Engineering Environments
A Bounded First-In, First-Enabled Solution to the l-Exclusion Problem
About some relationships between configuration management, software process and cooperative work: the COO Environment
A Branching/Merging Strategy for Parallel Software Development
A Brief Introduction to Regions
Abstract Compilation: A New Implementation Paradigm for Static Analysis
Abstracting Dependencies between Software Configuration Items
A Calculus for Secure Channel Establishment in Open Networks
A Case for Document Management Functions on the Web
A Case Study of Fault Tolerance with Replicated MMS Clients
Accelerating Code Deployment on Active Networks
Access Controls in Object-Oriented Database Systems - Some Approaches and Issues
A Comparison of Compiler Tiling Algorithms
A Comparison of the Asynchronous Transfer of Control Features in Ada and the Real-Time Specification for JavaTM
A Comparison of the PRISM and OMNI-Point Methodologies for the Specification of Management Systems
A computer supporting data flow, control flow and updatable memory
A Concept of Portable Monitoring of Multithreaded Programs
A Concurrency Control Mechanism for C++ Objects
A Concurrent Process Model of Software Development
A Constraint-Based Approach to Shape Management in Multimedia Databases
A Contextual Approach for Process-Integrated Tools
A Contract-Based Approach of Resource Management in Information Systems
A Control-Construct Based Software Complexity Measure
A Critical Analysis of Distributed Database Recovery Protocols
A Critical Success Factors Model for ERP Implementation
A Cryptographic Mechanism for Object-Instance-based Authorization in Object-Oriented Database Systems
Active Database Technology Supports Cancer Clusttering
Active Middleware Services in a Decision Support System for Managing Highly Available Distributed Resources
Active Network Service Management Based on Meta-level Architectures
Active Networks: Proc./IFIP-TC6 4th Intern. Working Conf.,IWAN 2002, Zurich, Switzerland, December 2002
Active Networks: Proc./Second Intern. Working Conf., IWAN 2000, Tokyo, Japan, October 2000
Active Technologies for Network and Service Management: Proc./10th IFIP/IEEE Intern. Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, DSOM 99. Zurich, Switzerland, October 1999
A Customized Multidatabase Transaction Management Strategy
Ada and Timed Automata
Ada Controls the European Robotic Arm
Adaptive and Dynamic Service Composition in eFlow
Adaptive Application-Centric Management in Meta-computing Environments
Adaptive File Cache Management for Mobile Computing
Adaptive Generic Communications for Integrated Mobile and Internet Web-Services
Adaptive Real-Time Resource Management Supporting Modular Composition of Digital Multimedia Services
A Database Rule Language Compiler Supporting Parallelism
ADDS Transaction Management System
A Defined Process for Project Postmortem Review
A Delegation Based Model for Distributed Software Process Management
A Distributed Computing Center Software for the Efficient Use of Parallel Computer Systems
A Distributed Network Management Architecture Based on CORBA and Mobile Agent
A Distributed Parallel Object Manager for Smalltalk
Administering Structured Documents in Digital Libraries
Administering Windows and Applications across Your Enterprise
Advanced Information Modelling for Integrated Network Management Applications
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