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Связанные издания:
A Compiler Scheduling for a Specialized Synchronous Multiprocessor System
A Compiler with Scheduling for a Specialized Synchronous Multiprocessor System
Adventures in Multiprocessing: Controlling Multiple within a Single Application
A Method for Analyzing the Mutual Exclusion Overhead of Tightly Coupled Multiprocessors
A Microeconomic Scheduler for Parallel Computers
A Multiprocessor Kernel for Active Object-Based Systems
A Multiprocessor Multiwindow Visualization Subsystem
A Multiprocessor Using Protocol-Based Programming Primitives
Analysis of Hierarchical Bus-Based Multicomputer Architectures
Analysis of Non-Work-Conserving Processor Partitioning Policies
An Efficient and Scalable Coscheduling Technique for Large Symmetric Miltiprocessor Clusters
An Extended Gradient Model for NUMA Multiprocessor Systems
Another C Threads Library
A Performance Study of Software and Hardware Data Prefetching Schemes
A Petri-Net-Based Method to the Design of Parallel Programs for a Multiprocessor System
A Scalable Multi-Discipline, Multiple-Processor Scheduling Framework for IRIX
A Self-Adjusting Data Distribution Mechanism for Multidimensional Load Balancing in Multiprocessor-Based Database Systems
A Study on the Cache Memory Miss Ratio Issue in Multiprocessor Systems
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: Proc./Third International Symposium, ATVA 2005. Taipei, Taiwan, October 2005
Automatic Support for Data Distribution on Distributed Memory Multiprocessor Systems
Candela - A Topology Description Language
CHAOSarc: Kernel Support for Multiweight Objects, Invocations, and Atomicity in Real-Time Multiprocessor Applications
Chaotic Linear System Solvers in a Variable-Grain Data-Driven Multiprocessor System
Characterizing the Caching and Synchronization Performance of a Multiprocessor Operating System
Closing the Window of Vulnerability in Multiphase Memory Transactions
Combined Scheduling of Hard and Soft Real-Time Tasks in Multiprocessor Systems
Concurrency Annotations in C++
Coscheduling under Memory Constraints in a NOW Environment
Costs and Benefits of Multithreading eith Off-the-Shelf RISC Processors
DBJ - A Dynamic Balancing Hash Join Algorithm in Multiprocessor Database Systems
Deriving Efficient Parallel Programs by Systemating Coarsing Specification Parallelism
Design Decision for the FTM: A General Purpose Fault Tolerant Machine
Distributed Linda Tuplespace Algorithms and Implementations
Distriuted Shared Memory Multiprocessor Architecture MEMSY for High Performance Parallel Computations
Document Allocation in Multiprocessor Information Retrieval Systems
Dynamic Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks, by Assignment
Efficient Execution of Fine-Grain Parallelism on a Tightly-Coupled Multiprocessor
Embedded Cluster Computing through Dynamic Reconfigurability of Inter-processor Connections
Embedded Software and Systems: Proc./Third International Conference, ICESS 2007. Daegu, Korea, May 2007
Entwurf und Implementierung von CSSA..: Teil A: Konzepte
Entwurf und Implementierung von CSSA.. Teil B: CSSA-Sprachbeschreibung
Entwurf und Implementierung von CSSA.. Teil C: CSSA-Systembenutzung
Entwurf und Implementierung von CSSA.. Teil D: CSSA-Programmbeispiele
Entwurf und Implementierung von CSSA.. Teil E II: Programmdokumentation
Entwurf und Implementierung von CSSA.. Teil E I: Programmdokumentation
Euro-Par 2007 Workshops Parallel Processing: Revised Selected Papers/HPPC, UNICORE Summit & VHPC 2007. Rennes, France, August 2007
Evolving OpenMP in an Age of Extreme Parallelism: Proc./5th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP 2009, Dresden, Germany, June 2009
Failure Recovery for Distributed Processes in Single System Image Clusters
FLIP-FLOP: A Stack-Oriented Multiprocessing System
Handling Distributed Data in Vienna Fortran Procedures
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