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Связанные издания:
16th World Computer Congress 2000. Proc. of Conference on Software: Theory and Practice
1993 ACM Sigmetrics Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems: Proc./May 10-14, 1993. Santa Clara, California, USA. (Performance Evaluation Review)
2DT-FP: An FP Based Programming Language for Efficient Parallel Programming of Multiprocessor Networks
3D Visual Tool Supporting Derivation of Parallel Programs for MIMD Systems
8th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS 94): Proc./1994 Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation. July 6-8, 1994. Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
A 64-bit RISC Microprocessor for Parallel Computer Systems
A Bibliography on Parallel Parsing
About Conversations for Concurrent OO Languages
A Branching/Merging Strategy for Parallel Software Development
Abstracting Interactions Based on Message Sets
Abstracting Synchronization in Concurrent Constraint Programming
Abstract Interpretation for Concurrent Logic Languages
Abstraction and Performance in the Design of Parallel Programs
Abstraction and Performance in the Design of Parallel Programs: An Overview of the SAT Approach
Abstractions for Portable, Scalable Parallel Programming
A Calculus for Exploiting Data Parallelism on Recursively Defined Data
A Calculus of Gamma programs
A Calculus of Gamma Programs
A Calculus of Recursive-Parallel BSP Programs
A Calculus of Value Broadcasts
A -calculus with Explicit Substitutions: the Late Semantics
A Case for the PRAM as a Standard Programmer s Model
A Case Study in the Parallel Implementation of Functional Languages Using Skeletons
A Case Study in Transformational Design of Concurrent Systems
A Case Study of Parallel Execution of a Rule-Based Expert System
A Case Study: Parallel Program Development for a Recursive Numerical Algorithm
A Catalog of Classifying Characteristics for Massively Parallel Computers
A Categorical view of process refinement
Accelerating the Evaluation of Parallel Program Performance Models Using Distributed Simulation
Acceptance Automata: A Framework for Specifying and Verifying TCSP Parallel Systems
Access and Alignment of Data
Access Normalization: Loop Restructuring for NUMA Computers
ACE: And/Or-parallel Copying-based Execution of Logic Program
Achieving Portability and Efficiency Through Automatic Optimization: An Investigation in Parallel Image Processing
Achieving Speedups for APL on an SIMD Distributed Memory Machine
ACL - A Concurrent Linear Logic Programming Paradigm
A Classification of Skew Effects in Parallel Database Systems
A Classification of Various Approaches for Object-Oriented Parallel and Distributed Programming
ACM SIGPLAN Notices: Proc. of the ACM/ONR Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging, May 20-21, 1991, Santa Cruz, California
A Combining Mechanism for Parallel Computers
A Communication Backend for Parallel Language Compilers
A Communication Scheme for the Distributed Execution of while Loops
A Comparative Evaluation of Parallel Garbage Collector Implementations
A Comparative Study of Real Workload Traces and Synthetic Workload Models for Parallel Job Scheduling
A Comparison of Interconnection Networks for Large SIMD Parallel Computers
A Comparison of Message Passing and Shared Memory Architectures for Data Parallel Programs
A Comparison of Performance-Enhancing Strategies for Parallel Numerical Object-Oriented Frameworks
A Comparison of some Parallel Fortran Dialects
A Comparison of the Iserver-Occam, Parix, Express, and PVM Programming Environments on a Parsytec GCel
A Comparison of Three High Speed Networks for Parallel Cluster Computing
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