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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
On concervative extensions of syntax in system development
On conservative extensions of syntax in system development
On Extended Attribute Grammars
On Knowledge Base Redundancy under Uncertain Reasoning
On Oracles for Interpreting Test Results against Algebraic Specifications
On the Communication Complexity of Distributed Algebraic Computation
On the Compatibility of Model and Model-Class Transformations
On the Operational Semantics of the Algebraic and Logic Programming Language LPG
On the Power of Algebras with Recursion
On the Power of Quantifiers in First-Order Algebraic Specification
On the Relationship Between Algebraic Module Specifications and Program Modules
On the Subject Reduction Property for Algebraic Type Systems
On Using Object Oriented Parallel Programming to Build Distributed Algebraic Abstractions
OPAL: Design and Implementation of an Algebraic Programming Language
Operational and Algebraic Semantics of Concurrent Processes
Order-sorted Algebraic Specifications with Higher-order Functions
Parallel Gcd and Lattice Basis Reduction
Parameterized Reachability Trees for Algebraic Petri Nets
PARASPAR: Parallel Solvers for Sparse Linear Algebraic Systems
Permissive Subsorted Partial Logic in CASL
Petri Nets and Algebraic Specifications
Petri nets ang algebraic specifications
Phased-Mission System Analysis Using Boolean Algebraic Methods
PN-Test Generation by a Linear Algebraic Representation
Posets for Configurations!
Pre-nets, Read Arcs and Unfolding: A Functorial Presentation
Procedural Implementation of Abstract Data Types: Concept and Connection with Parametrization
Procedural Implementation of Algebraic Specification
Proceedings of the 2000 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC 2000, St Andrews, Scotland, 7-9 August 2000
Program Development in an Algebraic Setting
Programming in the Large: The Algebraic-Functional Language Opal 2 alfa
Program Specification by Typed Gurevich Machines
Proof Scores in the OTS/CafeOBJ Method
Prototyping and Analysis of Non-Sequential Systems Using Predicate-Event Nets
Prototyping Object Oriented Specifications in an Algebraic Environment
Prototyping Relational Specifications Using Higher-Order Objects
Proving correctness w.r.t. specifications with hidden parts
Proving Implications by Algebraic Approximation
Proving properties of processes
Proving the Correctness of Behavioural Implementations
Rapid Prototyping for Algebraic Specifications: Examples for the Use of the RAP System
Rational Number Arithmetic by Parallel P-adic Algorithms
Rational Transductions and Complexity of Counting problems
Reachability Problems: Proc./3rd International Workshop, RP 2009, Palaiseau, France, September 2009
Reachability Problems: Proc./7th International Workshop, RP 2013, Uppsala, Sweden, September 2013
Real-Time Process Algebra and Its Applications
Reasoning about Algebraic Generalization of Petri Nets
Reasoning algebraically about loops
Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques: Proc./12th Intern. Workshop, WADT 97. Tarquinia, Italy, June 1997
Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques: Proc./14th Intern. Workshop, WADT 99. Chateau de Bonas, France, September 1999
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