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Связанные издания:
Testing from Structured Algebraic Specifications
Testing Techniques in Softwarw Engineering: Revised Lectures/Second Pernambuco Summer School on SE, PSSE 2007, Recife, Brazil, December 2007
The Algebraic Constructor CAC: computing in construction-defined domains
The Algebraic Specification Column
The ASTOOT Approach to Testing Object-Oriented Programs
The Calculus of Algebraic Constructions
The Common Framework Initiative for Algebraic Specification and Development of Software
The Common Framework Initiative for Algebraic Specification and Development of Software: Recent Progress
The Design and Implementation of a Program Development System Based on Rewriting Method
The Design of the PACLIB Kernel for Parallel Algebraic Computation
The Duality of Time and Information
The Imperative Implementation of Algebraic Data Types
The Kiv-Approach to Software Verification
The Logic of the Partial lambda-Calculus with Equality
Theorem Proving Using Equational Matings and Regid E-Unification
Theories = Signatures + Propositions Used as Types
Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments: Proc./COST Action 274, TARSKI
The Role of Normalisation in Testing from Structured Algebraic Specifications
The Semantic Treatment of Polymorphic Specification Languages
The Specifier s Notepad - A Hypertext System tailored to the Design of Algebraic Specifications
The Specifier s Notepad- A Hypertext System tailored to the Design of Algebraic Specifications
Tools for solving problems in the scope of algebraic programming
Topological Methods for Algebraic Specification
TORRIX. A Programming System for Operations on Vectors and Matrices over Arbitrary Fields and of Variable Size
Toward Automatic Test Data Set Selection Using Algebraic Specifications and Logic Programming
Toward Component-Oriented Formal Software Development: An Algebraic Approach
Toward Formal Development of Programs from Algebraic Specifications: Model-Theoretic Foundations
Toward Formal Development of Programs from Algebraic Specifications: Parameterisation Revisited
Towards Algebraic Semantics of Imperative Languages
Towards a Naive Theory of Algebraic Specifications
Towards an Algebraic Semantics for the Object Paradigm
Towards an Algebraic Specification Framework for the VLSI Design Process
Towards an Algebraic Theory of Concurrency
Towards an Algebraic Theory of Typed Mobile Processes
Towards a Net-Theoretic Notion of Type based on Predicate-Transition Nets
Towards a Provably Correct Compiler for OBJ3
Towards a Theory for the Animation of Algebraic Specifications
Towards the Algebraic Specification of Classes in Object Oriented Programming
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems VII
Translating Algebraic Spesifications to PROLOG Programs: a Comparative Study
Trees in Algebra and Programming - CAAP 94: Proc./19th Intern. Colloquium. Edinburgh, U.K., April 1994
Typed Gurevich Machines Revisited
Unified Algebras and Abstract Syntax
Unified Instruction Reordering and Algebraic Transformations for Minimum Cost Offset Assignment
Unifying Theories of Programming: Revised Selected Papers/5th International Symposium, UTP 2014, Singapore, May, 2014
Useless-Code Detection and Elimination for PCF with Algebraic Data Types
Using Algebraic Specification Techniques in Development of Object-Oriented Frameworks
Using graph coloring in an algebraic compiler
Value-passing in process algebras
Verification of Distributed Algorithms with Algebraic Petri Nets
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