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Связанные издания:
Computation of Invariants for Algebraic Petri Nets
Computer Performance Engineering: Proc./6th European Performance Engineering Workshop, EPEW 2009. London, UK, July 2009
Computer Performance Evaluation - Modeling Techniques and Tools: Proc./12th Intern. Conf., TOOLS 2002, London, UK, April 2002
Computer Science - Thery and Applications: Proc./2nd International Symposium on Computer Science in Russia, CSR 2007. Ekaterinburg, Russia, September 2007
Computing Petri Net Languages by Reductions
Conception des systemes a evenements discrets a l aide des reseaux de Petri: la propriete de bornitude structurelle
Conceptual Modeling of Concurrent Systems through Stepwise Abstraction and Refinement Using Petri Net Morphisms
CONCUR 2001 - Concurrency Theory: Proc./12th Intern. Conf., Aalborg, Denmark, August 2001
CONCUR 2005 - Concurrency Theory: Proc./16th International Conference, CONCUR 2005. San Francisco, CA, USA, August 2005
CONCUR 95: Concurrency Theory: Proc./ 6th International Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 21-24, 1995
Concurrency and Hardware Design: Advances in Petri Nets
Concurrency, Graphs and Models: Essays Dedicated to Ugo Montanari on the Occcasion of His 65th Birthday
Concurrency in Communicating Object Petri Nets
Concurrency Relations and the Safety Problem for Petri Nets
Concurrency, Specification, and Programming - CS&P 2004: Vol. 1: Petri Nets and Automata: Proc./Workshop. Caputh, September 24-26, 2004
Concurrency Specification and Programming: Proc./CS&P'2001 Workshop. Warsaw, Poland, October 2001
Concurrency Specification and Programming: Proc./CS&P'93 Workshop. Nieborow near Warsaw, Poland, 14-16 October 1993
Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming and Petri Nets: Advances in Petri Nets
Concurrent regular expressions and thier relationship to Petri nets
Concurrent Versus Sequential the Rough Sets Perspective
Conformance of Distributed Systems
Connectivity of workflow nets: the foundations of stepwise verification
Consistent Equivalence Notion for Class of High Level Petri Nets
Construction of a Class of Safe Petri Nets by Presenting Firing Sequences
Construction of Petri Nets with Prescribed Properties
Construction of S-invariants and S-components for Refined Petri Boxes
Constructs for Modeling Information Systems with Petri Nets
Context Traces and Transition Systems
Controller Synthesis for Object Petri Nets
Control of Batch Processes Based on Hierarchical Petri Nets
Control Properties in Object-Oriented Specifications
Control Synthesis Based on a Graph-Theoretical Petri Net Analysis
CoOperative Objects: Principles, Use and Implementation
Coordinating Functional Process Using Petri Nets
Coordination as Constrained Interaction
Correctness Proofs of Distributed Algorithms
CPN Tools for Editing, Simulating, and Analysing Coloured Petri Nets
DaGen: A Tool for Automatic Translation from DAML-S to High-Level Petri Nets
Database Design with Behavior and Views Using Parameterized Petri Nets
Data Flow Petri Nets for Data Flow Processors
Dataflow Semantics for Petri Nets
Data Parallel Programming with the Khoros Data Services Library
Decidability Issues for Petri Nets - a servey
Decidability of Model Checking for Infinite-State Concurrent Systems
Deciding History Preserving Bisimilarity
Deciding Life-Cycle Inheritance on Petri Nets
Derivation of Petri Net Performance Models from UML Specifications of Communications Software
Deriving Complex Structured Object Types for Busineess Process Modelling
Deriving Histories of Nets with Priority Relation
Deriving Petri Nets from Finite Transition Systems
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