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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Deriving Unbounded Petri Nets from Formal Languages
Description and Analysis of "Scattering" Petri Net
Descriptive and Analytical Process Algebras
Design/CPN - A Computer Tool for Coloured Petri Nets
Designing and Verifying a Communications Gateway Using Coloured Petri Nets and Design/CPN TM
Designing a Security System by Means of Coloured Petri Nets
Designing the User Interface on Top of a Conceptual Model
Design of User-Driven Interfaces Using Petri Nets and Objects
Design TM - "Petri Net Editor" for the Macintosh
Detecting and Correcting Operation Errors of Distributed Systems
Detection of Illegal Behaviors Based on Unfoldings
Deterministic Systems of Sequential Processes: A Class of Structured Petri Nets
Developments in Language Theory: Proc./13th International Conference, DLT 2009. Stuttgart, Germany, June/July 2009
Diagnosing Workflow Processes using Woflan
Diagnosis of Computer Systems by Stochastic Petri Nets Part II (Theory)
Dimensioning Handover Buffers in Wireless ATM Networks with GSPN Models
DIOGENES - An interactive Tool for Modelling and Simulation by Modified Timed Petri Nets
Discrete-Event Simulation of Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets
Discrete time stochastic Petri box calculus
Discrete time stochastic Petri box calculus with immediate multiactions
Distributed and Parallel Computing: Proc./6th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP. Melbourne, Australia, October 2005
Distributed Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems Using Petri Nets
Distributed Implementation of CCS
Distributed Multimedia QoS Parameters from Presentation Modeling by Coloured Petri Nets
Distributed Simulation of Timed Petri Nets: A Modular Approach Using Actors and Time Warp
Distributed Simulation of Timed Petri Nets: Explpoiting the Net Structure to Obtain Efficiency
Documentary Petri Nets: A Modeling Representation for Electronic Trade Procedures
Dynamically Stubborn Sets and the Sleep Set Method
Dynamic Modification of System Structures Using LLPNs
Efficient Algorithms for Computing S-invarints for Predicate/Transition Nets
Efficient Discrete-Event Simulation of Coloured Petri Nets
Efficient Reachability Set Generation and Storage Using Decision Diagrams
Efficient Scheduling of Fine Grain Parallelism in Loops
Efficient Simulation of THOR Nets
Efficient Timing Analysis of a Class of Petri Nets
Enaction of Software Process Description in a Petri Net Model with Registers
Engineering High Quality Parallel Software Using PARSE
Equivalence Notions for Design of Concurrent Systems Using Petri Nets
Equivalence relations for behaviour-preserving reduction and modular performance evaluation in dtsPBC
-Equivalences for Analysis of Concurrent Systems Modelled by Petri Nets with Silent Transitions
Equivalences for Behavioural Analysis of Multilevel Systems
Equivalences for Concurrent and Distributed Systems
Equivalences on Petri Nets
Equivalence Transformations of PrT-Nets
Equivalent Net Reduction for Firing Sequence
Esprit Basic Research Action 3148 DEMON (Design Methods Based on Nets) - Aims, Scope and Achievements -
Estimates of Cycle Times in Stochastic Petri Nets
Estimation Methods for Nonregenerative Stochastic Petri Nets
ESTL: A Temporal Logic for Events and States
Executable Design Models for a Pervasive Healthcare Middleware System
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