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Связанные издания:
Software Process Technology: Proc./8th European Workshop, EWSPT 2001, Witten, Germany, June 2001
Software Process Technology: Proc./9th European Workshop, EWSPT 2003, Helsinki, Finland, September 2003
Software Process Technology: Proc./Second European Workshop, EWSPT 92. Trondheim, Norway, September 7-8, 1992
Software Process Technology: Proc./Third European Workshop, EWSPT 94. Villard de Lans, France, February 1994
Software Process Technology Transfer: Using a Formal Process Notation to Capture a Software Process in Industry
Software Process Validation Based on FUNSOFT Nets
Software Project Activity Network for Managing the Development and Testing Process
Software Quality from ISO 9000 to the Optimizing Process
Software Release Management
Software Reuse at Ellemtel-Ericsson
Software Reuse at Hewlett-Packard
Software Reuse: Management Issues
Some Characteristics of Nondeterministic Processes
Some Chemical Abstract Machines
Some Results on the Impossibility, Universality, and Decidability of Consensus
Space Shuttle Onboard Software (OBS) Development and Maintenance Process Automation
Specification and Analysis of a Security Management System
Specification and Analysis of Resource-Bound Real-Time Systems
Specification and Verification of Real Time Systems in ACP
Specification and Verification of Timed Lazy Systems
Specification of Coordinated Behavior by SOCCA
Specification of Coordinated Behavior in the Software Development Process
Specification of Timing Constraints within the Circal Process Algebra
Specification-Oriented Semantics for Communicating Processes
Specification Structures and Propositions-as-Types for Concurrency
Specifications Using Multiple-Conclusion Logic Programs
Specifying and Verifying Parametric Processes
Specifying and Verifying Partial Order Properties Using Template MSCs
Specifying Business Process over Objects
Specifying Decision-Making Processes
Speedup of Recognizable Trace Languages
SPIQ: A Revised Agenta for Software Process Support
SProc Categorically
Stack Management of Runtime Structures in Distributed Implementations
Starting Improvement of Requirements Engineering Processes: An Experience Report
Static Analysis of Processes for No Read-Up and No Write-Down
Stationary Detection in the Initial Transient Problem
Stepwise Specification of Interactive Processes in COO
Stochastic Process Algebras: Benefits for Performance Evaluation and Challenges
Stochastic Process Algebras Meet Eden
Stochastic Processes and Appell Systems on Lie Groups
Strengthening UML Collaboration Diagrams by State Transformations
String Processing and Information Retrieval: Proc./23rd International Symposium, SPIRE 2016, Beppu, Japan, October 2016
Strong Bisimilarity and Regularity of Basic Parallel Processes Is PSPACE-Hard
Strong Bisimilarity and Regularity of Basic Process Algebra Is PSPACE-Hard
Strong Bisimilarity of Simple Process Algebras: Complexity Lower Bounds
Structured Operational Semantics for Concurrency and Hierarchy
Structured Operational Semantics for Process Algebras and Equational Axiom Systems
Structuring Business Objectives: A Business Process Modeling Perspective
Structuring Complex Software Processes by "Process Landscaping"
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