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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Suitable Databases for Process-centred Environments Do not yet Exist
Support for Comprehensive Reuse
Support for Mobile Software Processes in CAGIS
Support for Software Federations: The PIE Platform
Support for the Process Engineer: The Spearmint Approach to Software Process Definition and Process Guidance
Supporting Coarse and Fine Grain Parallelism in an Extension of ML
Supporting Collaborative Processes with ConversationBuilder
Supporting Cooperation in the Marvel Process-Centered SDE
Supporting Cooperation in the SPADE-1 Environment
Supporting Informality in the Software Process
Supporting Social Interaction Activities of Software Processes
Symbolic Bisimulation Minimisation
Symbolic Model Checking of Probabilistic Processes Using MTBDDs and the Kronecker Representation
Symbolic Timing Devices
Synchronization of Parallel Processes in Distributed Systems
Synchronized Condition / Event Systems
Synchrony and Asynchrony in Process Algebra
Synthesizing Distinguishing Formulae for Real Time Systems - Extended Abstract
System and Business Process Re-engineering with GRADE
Systematic Software Testing Using VeriSoft - An Analysis of the 4ESS Heart-Beat Monitor
System Dynamic Modeling of an Inspection-Based Process
Systemes d exploitation des ordinateurs: Principes de conception
Task-Specific Knowledge Management in a Process-Centred SEE
Taxonomy of Problem Management Activities
Techniques for Modeling Workflows and Their Support of Reuse
Techniques for Process Analysis and Unification
Temporal and Spatial Aspects in Parallel Processing
Temporal Structures
Term Graph Rewriting for the pi-Calculus
Termination, Deadlock, and Divergence
Term Rewriting Analysis in Process Algebra
Term Rewriting Properties of SOS Axiomatisations
Testing and Refinement for Nondeterministic and Probabilistic Processes
Testing-Based Abstractions for Value-Passing Systems
Testing Equivalence for Mobile Processes
Testing Equivalences for Processes
Testing Processes for Efficiency
Testing Semantics for Unbounded Nondeterminism
Testing Semantics of Asynchronous Distibuted Programs
Test Management Automation: Lessons Learned from a Process Improvement Experiment
The Algebra of Synchronous Processes
The Application of Metrics to Industrial Prototyping Processes: An Empirical Study
The Architecture of the SPADE-1 Process-Centered SEE
The Benefits of Rapid Modeling for E-business System Development
The Box Algebra - A Model of Nets and Process Expressions
The Box Calculus: a New Causal Algebra with Multi-label Communication
The Business Grid: Providing Transactional Business Processes via Grid Services
The Concurrency Workbench: A Semantic-Based Tool for the Verification of Concurrent Systems
The Connection between an Event Structure Semantics and an Operational Semantics for TCSP
The Design and Implementation of HoME
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