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Связанные издания:
Types, or: Where s the Difference between CCS and pi?
Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems: Revised Selected Papers/Second CAiSE Workshop, UMICS 2004. Riga, Latvia, June 2004
Ultra-Structure: A Design Theory for Complex Systems and Processes
Undecidable Equivalences for Basic Parallel Processes
Understanding and improving the user interface design process
Understanding the Software Process as a Social Process
Understanding the Sources of Variation in Software Inspections
Unfold/Fold Transformations of Concurrent Processes
Unifying the Software Process Spectrum: Revised Selected Papers/International Software Process Workshop, SPW 2005. Beijing, China, May 2005
Unique Fixpoint Induction for Mobile Processes
Universal Petri Nets and Process Rewrite Systems Extended With Procedures
Un systeme de verification de processus paralleles et communicants
User Interfaces Supporting the Software Process
Using a Process Algebra to control B OPERATIONS
Using a Protean Language to Enhance Expressiveness in Specification
Using B Refinement to Analyse Compensating Business Processes
Using CSP and System Dynamics as Process Engineering Tools
Using FAME Assessments to Define Measurement Goals
Using Simulation to Visualise andd Analyse Product-Process Dependencies in Software Development Projects
Using SPL to model ISO 9000
Using State Variables for the Specification and Verification of TCSP Processes
Using the Shlaer-Mellor Method to Support a Level 4 Software Process
Using UML for Modeling the Static Part of a Software Process
Using UML for Software Process Modeling
Validation and Verification of Software Process Models
Validation of Process Models by Construction of Process Nets
Value-Passing CCS in HOL
Value-passing in process algebras
Vector Sequence Analysis and Full Weak Safety for Concurrent Systems
Verification and Comparison of Transition Systems
Verification in Process Algebra on the Distributed Control of Track Vehicles - A Case Study
Verification of CCS-processes
Verification of Nonregular Temporal Properties for Context-Free Processes
Verification of Parallel System Via Decomposition
Verification of Temporal Properties of Processes in a Setting with Data
Verification Problems in Conceptual Workflow Specifications
Verifying Performance Equivalence for Timed Basic Parallel Processes
Verifying Properties of Process Definitions
Verifying Temporal Properties Using Explicit Approximations: Completeness for Context-free Processes
Verifying Timed Behavior Automata with Nonbinary Delay Constraints
View-Based Vs Traditional Modeling Approaches: Which Is Better?
Viewing Maintenance as Reuse-Oriented Software Development
Voting on Synchronous Communications
Wait-free computing: an introductory lecture
Wait-free Test-and-Set
Weak Bisimulation and Model Checking for Basic Parallel Processes
Weak Bisimulation Approximants
Weak Refinement in Z
Weak Semantics Based on Lighted Button Pressing Experiments
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