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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
The Mathematics of Set Predicates in Prolog
The Metatheory of UTT
The Model Theory of Concurrency
The Nature of Computation: Proc./9th Conference on Computability in Europea, CiE 2013, ilan, Italy, July 2013
The Notion of Rank and Games
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: Advanced Lectures
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software: Proc./4th Intern. Symp., TACS 2001, Sendai, Japan, October 2001
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software: Proc./Intern. Symp. TACS 94. Sendai, Japan, April 1994
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software: Third Intern. Symp., TACS 97. Sendai, Japan, September 1997
Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2014: Proc./11th International Colloquium, Bucharest, Romania, September 2014
Theoretical Computer Science and Software Science: The Past, the Present and the Future
Theoretical Computer Science: Exploring New Frontiers of Theoretical Informatics: Proc./Intern Conf. IFIP TCS 2000, Sendai, Japan, August 2000
Theoretical Computer Science: Proc./8th Italian Conf., ICTCS 2003, Bertinoro, Italy, October 2003
Theoretical Computer Science: Proc./9th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2005. Siena, Italy, October 2005
Theories of Abstract Automata
Theories of Programming Languages
Theories of Programming: Top-Down and Bottom-Up and Meeting in the Middle
The Origins of Pattern Theory: The Future of the Theory, and the Generation of a Living World
Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation: Revised Selected Papers/3rd International Workshop, TAFA 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2015
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: Proc./12th Annual Conference, TAMC 2015, Singapore, May 2015
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: Proc./Third International Conference, TAMC 2006. Beijing, China, May 2006
Theory and Practice
Theory and Practice in Distributed Systems
Theory and Practice in Logic Programming
Theory and Practice in Parallel Job Scheduling
Theory and Practice of Informatics - SOFSEM 2000: Proc./27th Conf. on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, Milovy, Czech Republic, November-December 2000
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations: Proc./8th International Conference, ICMT 2015, Held as Part of STAF 2015, L Aquila, Italy, July 2015
Theory and Practice of Parallel Programming: Proc./Intern. Workshop TPPP 94. Sendai, Japan, November 1994
Theory and Practice of Software Development
Theory Interpretation in Simple Type Theory
Theory Is Forever. Essays Dedicated to Arto Salomaa on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday
Theory of 2-Structures
Theory of computation over Stream Algebras, and its Applications
Theory of Computing: Achievements, Challenges, and Opportunities
Theory of Domains and Nearby
The Parallel Complexity of Simple Logic Programs
The Paris-Kirby Construction and the Complexity Problems
Thepretical Computer Science: Proc./7th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2001, Torino,Italy,October 2001
The Quantization of the Cantor Measure
The Regularity Lemma and Its Applications in Graph Theory
The Revised Gardenfors Postulates and Update Semantics
The Revised Report on the Syntactic Theories of Sequential Control and State
The Shuffle Exchange Network has a Hamiltonian Path
The Structural Complexity Column
The Theory and Practice of Adaptive Components
The Theory of Timed Automata
The Traveling Salesman. Computational Solutions for TSP Applications
The Unification Hierarchy is Undecidable
Timewise Refinement for Communicating Processes
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: Proc./8th Intern. Conf., TACAS 2002, Held as Part of the Joint European Conf. on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2002, Grenoble, France, April 2002
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