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Связанные издания:
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: Proc./18th International Symposium, ATVA 2020, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 2020
Automaty i gramatyki
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: Revised Selected Papers/AAMAS 2016 Workshops Best Papers, Singapore, Singapore, May 2016
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: Revised Selected Papers/AAMAS 2016 Workshops Visionary Papres, Singapore, Singapore, May 2016
A Verified Typechecker
A View on Recent Years of Research in Theoretical Computer Science in the Former Soviet Union
Axiomatizing the Equational Theory of Regular Tree Languages
Basic Conceptual Structures Theory
Beginnings of a Theory of General Database Completions
Behavioral Compatibility of Self-Typed Theories
Bisimulation, Games, and Logic
Bounded Relative Error in Estimating Transient Measures of Highly Dependable Non-Markovian Systems
Bridging Across the log(n) Space Frontier
Calculi for Synchrony and Asynchrony
Can Complexity Theory Benefit from Learning Theory?
Categorical Models for Intuitionistic and Linear Type Theory
Category Theory and Computer Science: Proc./6th Intern. Conf., CTCS 95 Cambridge, United Kingdom, August 1995
Category Theory and Computer Science: Proc./7th Intern. Conf., CTCS 97. Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, September 1997
Changing Attitudes
Changing Data Structures in Type Thoery: A Study of Natural Numbers
Class Analysis of Object-Oriented Programs through Abstract Interpretation
Classical Type Theory
Closure Under Alpha-Conversion
Cluster Analysis for Hypertext Systems
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science: Revised Selected Papers/13th IFIP WG 1.3 International Workshop, CMCS 2016 Colocated with ETAPS 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, April 2016
Codifying guarded definitions with recursive schemes
Coercive Subtyping in Type Theory
Collection Principles in Dependent Type Theory
Combinatorics, Complexity, and Randomness
Communicating Contexts: a Progmatic Approach to Information Exchange
Communication with Automata
Comparing Ada and FORTRAN Lines of Code: Some Experimental Results
Complete Axiomatizations of some Quotient Term Algebras
Complexity and Uniformity of Elimination in Presburger Arithmetic
Complexity of kernel Fun subtype checking
Composable Semantic Models for Actor Theories
Computability and Complexity
Computability and Decidability
Computational Learning Theory and Neural Networks: an Introduction
Computational Learning theory: Proc./14th Annual Conf. on Computational Learning Theory, COLT 2001 and 5th European Conf. on Computational Learning Theory, EuroCOLT 2001, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2001
Computational Learning Theory: Proc./15th Annual Conf. on Computational Learning Theory, COLT 2002, Sydney, Australia, July 2002
Computational Learning Theory: Proc./4th European Conf., EuroCOLT 99. Nordkirchen, Germany, March 1999
Computational Learning Theory: Proc./Second European Conf., EuroCOLT 95. Barcelona, Spain, March 1995
Computational Learning Theory: Proc./Third European Conference, EuroCOLT 97. Jerusalem, Israel,March 1997
Computational Logic and Proof Theory: Proc./Third Kurt Godel Colloquium, KGC 93. Brno, Czech Republic, August 1993
Computational Science - ICCS 2006: Part I: Proc./6th International Conference. Reading, UK, May 2006
Computation and Automata
Computation, Physics and Beyond: Revised Selected and Invited Papers/ International Workshop, WTCS 2012 Dedicated to C.S.Calude on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, Auckland, New Zealand, February 2011
Computer Aided Systems Theory - CAST 94: Selected Papers/4th International Workshop. Ottawa,Ontario,Canada,May 1994
Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2001: Proc./8th Intern. Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Theory, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 2001
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