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Связанные издания:
Grundlagen von Datenbanken: Kurzfassungen des 3.Gl-Workshpos, Volkse, 21.-24. May 1991
Handbook of Automated Reasoning. Volume II
Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. Algorithms and Complexity. Volume A
Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. Formal Models and Semantics. Volume B
Handles and Reachability Analysis of Free Choice Nets
Hierarchical Meta-logics: Intuitions, Proof Theory and Semantics
Higher-Order Algebra, Logic, and Term Rewriting: Selected Papers/First Intern. Workshop, HOA 93. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 1993
Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and Its Applications: Proc./6th Intern. Workshop, HUG 93. Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1993
High Level Distributed Transition Systems in Categories
High-Level Petri Nets as Type Theories in the Join Calculus
Higman s Lemma in Type Theory
Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation, Part I: Proc./17th International Conference, HCI Internatonal 2015, Los Angeles,CA,USA, August 2015
ICDT 90: Proc./Third Intern.Conf. on Database Theory, Paris, France, Desember 1990
Implementation Techniques for Inductive Types in Plastic
Implicit Definability and Infinitary Logic in Finite Model Theory
Improving the Whelk System: A Type-theoretic Reconstruction
Inductive Definitions and Type Theory an Introduction
Inductive Definitions with Decidable Atomic Formulas
Inductive Inference in Reflexive Domains
Industrial Design and Activity Theory: A New Direction for Designing Computer-Based Artifacts
Infinite Objects in Type Theory
Information Theory and Applications II: Selected Papers/ 4th Canadian Workshop. Lac Delage, Quebes, Canada, May 1995
Information Theory and Applications: Proc./Third Canadian Wirkshop. Rockland, Ontario, Canada, May-June 1993
Insertion and Deletion of Words: Determinism and Reversibility
Integration of Specification Languages using Viewpoints
Intelligent Agents III: Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages: Proc/ECAI 96 Workshop (ATAL). Budapest, Hungary, August 1996
Intelligent Agents IV: Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages: Proc./4th Intern. Workshop, ATAL 97. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 1997
Intelligent Agent Systems
Intelligent Computing: Theories and Methodologies, Part I: Proc./11th International Conference, ICIC 2015, Fuzhou, China, August 2015
Interactive Theorem Proving: Proc./7th International Conference, ITP 2016, Nancy, France, August 2016
Internal Type Theory
Interval Routing Schemes
Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation
Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages
Is First Order Contained in an Initial Segment of PTIME?
Isomorphisms of Genetic Recursive Polynomial Types
Joint Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center and the Institute of Informatics Systems
Kleene s Slash and Existence of Values of Open Terms in Type Theory
Knowledge Theory: Outline and Impact
Kolmogorov Complexity: Sources, Theory and Applications
Kripke Semantics for Dependent Type Theory and Realizability Interpretations
La formation de l esprit informatique
Lambda-calculus, combinators and the Comprehension scheme
Lambda Substitution Algebras
LATIN 2000: Theoretical Informatics: Proc./4th Latin American Sym. Punta del Este, Uruguay, April 2000
LATIN 2002 - Theoretical Informatics: Proc./5th Latin American Symp., Cancun, Mexico, April 2002
LATIN 2004 - Theoretical Informatics: Proc./6th Latin American Symp., Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 2004
LATIN 95: Theoretical Informatics: Proc./Second Latin American Symp. Valparaiso, Chile, April 1995
LATIN 98: Theoretical Informatics: Proc./Third Latin American Symp. Campinas, Brazil, April 1998
Learning Domain Theories using Abstract Background Knowledge
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