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Связанные издания:
A Critigue of Software Defect Prediction Models
A Critique of UML s Definition of the Use-Case Class
Action Transducers and Timed Automata
Active Coordination in Ad Hoc Networks
Active-Design: A Generic Toolkit for Deriving Specific Rule Execution Models
Active Disks: Programming Model, Algorithms and Evaluation
Active Mental Entities: A New Approach to Building Intelligent Autonomous Agents
Active Messages:a Mechanism for Integrated Communication and Computation
Active Models and Process Support
Active Networks: Proc./ First International Working Conference, IWAN 99, Berlin, Germany, June/July 1999
Actors as a Coordinating Model of Computation
ActorSpace: An Open Distributed Programming Paradigm
ActorStudio: An Interactive User Interface Editor
Ada and Timed Automata
Ada Design of a Neural Network
Ada Electronic Combat Modeling
Adaptation Models for Network-Aware Distributed Computations
Adaptation of Coloured Petri Nets Models of Software Artifacts for Reuse
Adapting C++ Exception Handling to an Extended COM Exception Model
Adaptive Application-Centric Management in Meta-computing Environments
Adaptive Medical Information Delivery: Combining User, Situation, and Task Models
Adaptive Object-Models and Metamodeling Techniques
Adaptive Resource Management and Scheduling for Cloud Computing: Revised Selected Papers/1st International Workshop, ARMS-CC 2014 held in Conjunction with ACM Symposium PODC 2014, Paris, France, July 2014
A Data-Driven Parallel Execution Model for Logic Programs
A Data Model for Annotated Programs
A Data Model for Flexible Querying
A Data Model for Semistructured Data with Partial and Inconsistent Information
A Data Model for Temporal XML Documents
A Data Model for Time-Series Analysis
A Data Model for XML Database
Adding Inclusion Dependencies to an Object-Oriented Data Model with Uniqueness Constraints
Adding Temporal Annotations and Associated Verification to the Ravenscar Profile
Adding Time to an Object-Oriented Versions Model
Adding Uniqueness Constraint to Description Logics
Adding Valid Time to XPath
Adding View Support to ODMG-93
Addressing Dynamic Issues of Program Model Checking
A Debugging Model for Functional Logic Programs
A Decision Algorithm for Full Propositional Temporal Logic
A Decision-Making Model for Query Evaluation
A Declarative Query Approach to Object Identification
A Declarative Way of Extracting XML Data in XSL
A Deductive Database Approach to Planning in Uncertain Environments
A Deductive Declarative Object-Oriented Data Model and Query Language Based on Narrowing
A Denotational Real-Time Semantics for Shared Processors
A Dependently Typed Ambient Calculus
A Depository for Structured Text Objects
Adequacy of the New Generation of Multithreading Operating Systems to the Ada Tasking Model
A Description Logics-Like Model for a Knowledge and Data Management System
A Design Framework for Internet-Scale Event Observation and Notification
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