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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Behavioural Algebraic Framework for Modular System Design with Reuse
A Bilingual Specification Environment for Software/Hardware Co-design
About the DaLibrary: Its Design and Development
About Tours in the OTHY Hypermedia Design
Abstracting Unification: A Key Step in the Design of Logic Program Analyses
Abstraction and Performance in the Design of Parallel Programs: An Overview of the SAT Approach
Abstraction of Business Rules in Object-Oriented Design
Abstractions and Infrastructures for the Design and Development of Mobile Agent Organizations
Abstract Language Design
A Business Process Design Language
A Case Study in Safely-Critical Design
A Case Study in Systematic Hypermedia Design
A Case Study in Transformational Design of Concurrent Systems
A Case Study on Object-Oriented Database Schema Design
Accommodating Integrity Constraints During Database Design
Achieving Customer Satisfaction Through Robust Design
Achieving Reusable and Reliable Client-Server Code using HOODTM Automated Code Generation for Ada95 and C++ Targets
Acme-Based Software Architecture Interchange
A Commonsense Reasoning Facility Based on the Entity-Relationship Model
A Component-Based Design Approach for Collaborative Distributed Systems
A Component Model for Synchronous VLSI System Design
A comprehensive framework for modeling set-based business rules during conceptual database design
A Concept of Hierarchical Petri Nets with Building Blocks
A Conceptual Framework for Evolving Software Processes
A Conceptual Graphs Approach to Information Systems Design
A Conceptual "Role-Centered" Model for Design of Multi-Agents Systems
A Constructive Approach to Reuse of Conceptual Components
A COTS Based Product Line Architecture for Generating Design Editors
A CPU Scheduling Simulation From Structured Programming to Object-Oriented Design
Acquiring Reusable Software Designs
Active-Design: A Generic Toolkit for Deriving Specific Rule Execution Models
Activity Theory for the Analysis and Design of Multi-agent Systems
ACT-P: A Configurable Theorem-Prover
Ada95 - An Approach to Overcome the Software Crisis?
Ada Design Language/CASE Developers Matrix
Adapting Analysis and Design to Software Context: The JECKO Approach
Adapting Function Points to Object-Oriented Information Systems
Adaptive Plug-and-Play Components for Evolutionary Software Development
Adaptive Schema Design and Evaluation in an Object-Oriented Infomation System
ADBIS'95: Proc./Second International Workshop on Advances in Databases and Information Systems
Adding Control Integration to PCTE
Addressing Marketing Requirements is User-Interface Design for Multiple Platform
A Decision Model for Choosing the Optimal Level of Storage in Temporal Databases
A Design Framework for Internet-Scale Event Observation and Notification
A Design Method for "Whole-Hand" Human-Computer Interaction
A Design Methodology for Functional Programs
A Design Methodology for Process-Programming
Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks: Proc./4th International Conference, ADHOC-NOW 2005. Cancun, Mexico, October 2005
A Diagnostic View on Information Technology
ADIPS Framework for Flexible Distributed Systems
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