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Связанные издания:
Schema-Based Top-Down Design of Logic Programs Using Abstract Data Types
Schema Design and Query Processing in a Federated Multimedia Database System
Schema of Concretization of an Application Domain Description by Information Resources
Scientific Engineering for Distributed Java Applications: Proc./Intern. Workshop, FIDJI 2002, Luxemburg-Kirchberg, Luxemburg, November 2002
SDL 2003 - System Design: Proc./11th Intern. SDL Forum, Stuttgart, Germany, July 2003
SDL 2007: Design for Dependable Systems: Proc./13th International SDL Forum. Paris, France, September 2007
Self-Stabilizing Systems: Proc./7th International Symposium, SSS 2005. Barcelona, Spain, October 2005
Self-Timed Clocking Design for a Data-Driven Microprocessor
Semantics-Based Inference Algorithms for Adaptive Visual Environments
Semantics of Time-Varying Attributes and Their Use for Temporal Database Design
Semantics of Time-Varying Information
Serialising Parallel Processes in a Hardware/Software Partitioning Context
Service-Oriented Computing ICSOC 2006: Workshops Proc./4th International Conference. Chicago, IL, USA, December 2006
Should CASE be application dependent?
Silicon Towards 2000. Devices. A National Research Programme in Silicon VLSI and CAD
Simple Constrained Deformations for Geometric Modeling and Interactive Design
Simple objects for Standard ML
Simple Objects for Standard ML
Simulating and Compiling a Hypothetical Microprogrammed Architecture with Projects for Computer Architecture and Compiler Design
Simulation Approach to Design of Dataflow Computer
Smooth Spline Surfaces over Irregular Meshes
Soft System Methodology and is Research: Development of a New IS Design Paradigm Evaluation Approach
Software Architecture: Proc./2nd European Workshop, EWSA 2005. Pisa, Italy, June 2005
Software Architecture: Proc./First European Conference, ECSA 2007. Madrid, Spain, September 2007
Software Architecture: Revised Selected Papers/Third European Workshop, EWSA 2006. Nantes, France, September 2006
Software Design Process as Category Morphism
Software Design, Specification, and Verification: Lessons Learned from the Rether Case Study
Software Engineering: Revised Tutorial Lectures/ International Summer Schools ISSSE 2006-2008, Salerno, Italy
Software-Engineering - und dann?
Software-Intensive Systems and New Computing Paradigms: Challenges and Visions
Software Language Engineering: Revised Selected Papers/First International Conference, SLE 2008. Toulouse, France, September 2008
Software methodology in the harsh light of economics
Software Metrics by Architectural Pattern Mining
Software Reuse and Organizational Development
Software Reuse: Management Issues
Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems: Proc./6th IFIP WG 10.2 International Workshop, SEUS 2008. Anacarpi, Capri Island, Italy, October 2008
Some notes on threshold circuits, and multiplication in depth 4
SPADE - Towards CASE Tools that Can Guide Design
Specification and Design of TMN Systems
Specification and Transformation of Reactive Systems with Time Restrictions and Concurrency
Specification and Verification of Controlled Systems
Specification Techniques for Supporting Software Modularity and Improving Design Documentation
Standard Transformations for the Normalization of ER Schemata
Standartization of Software Development Environments
Star/Snow-Flake Schema Driven Object-Relational Data Warehouse Design and Query Processing Strategies
State Assignment for Hardwired VLSI Control Units
State Assignment Problem in Hardware Implementation of Parallel Algorithms of Logical Control
Static Allocation in Distributed Objectbase Systems: A Graphical Approach
Strategies and Techniques: Reusable Artifacts for the Construction of Database Management Systems
Strategies in Modular System Design by Interface Rewriting
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