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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Taxonomy for Distributed Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems
A theory for the derivation of combinational C-mos circuit designs
A Typeful Approach to Object-Oriented Programming with Multiple Inheritance
A Type System and Analysis for the Automatic Extraction and Enforcement of Design Information
A UML Approach to the Design of Open Distributed Systems
A UML-Based Methodology for Hypermedia Design
Automatic Design of the Internal Schema for a CODASYL-Database System
Automatic Diagnosis of VLSI Digital Circuits Using Algorithmic Debugging
Automatic Motion Planninng for Complex Articulated Bodies
Automatic Synthesis of Design Plans in METAFrame
Automatic Verification of Speed-Independent Circuit Designs Using the Circal System
Automating the Refinement of Specifications for Distributed Systems via Syntactic Transformations
Availability and Reliability Issues in Distributed Databases Using Optimal Horizontal Fragmentation
A Validation of Object-Oriented Design Metrics as Quality Indicators
A View On Three R s (3Rs): Reuse, Re-engineering and Reverse-engineering
A Visual Execution Model for Ada Tasking
Backtracking-Free Design Planning by Automatic Synthesis in MetaFrame
Basic-REAL: Integrated Approach for Design, Specification and Verification of Distributed Systems
Basic VLSI Design: Systems and Circuits. Second Edition
BATCES Solution #2: A Similated SA/OOD Approach
Batch checking with applications to linear functions
Behavior Consistent of Object Life Cycles
Behavior Consistent Refinement of Object Life Cycles
Beyond Bars and Hour Glasses: Designing Performance and Progress Indicators
Board tools proliferate
BPwin! ERwin! ModelMart???
Building Blocks for Agent Design
Building Inheritance Graphs in Object Database Design
Building Knowledge through Families of Experiments
Building Reusable Components Through Project Evolution Analysis
Bulk Types and Query Language Design
Business Processes Management Workshops: Revised Selected Papers/BPM 2007 International Workshops BPI, BPD, CBP, ProHealth, RefMod, Semantics4ws. Brisbane, Australia, September 2007
CADdy 9.0 Extender: в ногу со временем
Calculating Digital Counters
Calculational Derivation of a Counter with Bounded Response Time
Calling Hell from Heaven and Heaven from Hell
Canonical Abstract Prototypes for Abstract Visual and Interaction Design
CAPS: a Coding Aid for PASM
CASA - Structured Design of a Specification Language for Intelligent Agents
CASE Analysis and Design Tools
CASE Power For OS/2
CASE-Repository for Project Descriptions: Standartization Directions
CASE-Tool Interchange of Design Transformations
CASE Tool Support for Temporal Database Design
CASE: Машинное проектирование программного обеспечения. Аналитический обзор зарубежных публикаций по об им принципам построения, реализации и применения
Case-продукты фирмы Oracle
CASE - современная технология проектирования программного обеспечения
CASE-технологии проектирования программного обеспечения
Case-технология и возможности современных case-средств в поддержке этапов проектирования программного продукта
CAVEAT: Technique and Tool for Computer Aided Verification and Transformation
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