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Связанные издания:
Cayenne - a language with dependent types
Cayenne - A Language with Dependent Types
Challenges of HCI Design and Implementation
Changing Television Environments: Proc./6th European Conference, EuroITV 2008. Salzburg, Austria, July 2008
Chapter 2. Circuit Design in Ruby
Chapter 3. Relevant Existing Practices
Chrono: A Conceptual Design Framework for Temporal Entities
Classboxes: A Minimal Module Model Supporting Local Rebinding
Clustering Techniques in Object Bases: A Survey
Codes to Reduce Switching Transients Across VLSI I/O Pins
Collaboration Media: The Problem of Design by Use and the Use of Design
Collaborative Conceptual Schema Design: A Process Model and Prototype System
Collaborative Version Control in an Agent-Based Hypertext Environment
Combining the Design of Industrial Systems with Effective Verification Techniques
Comparing Techniques by Means of Encapsulation and Connascence
Comparison of Maintainability Improvement by Segmentation and Reengineering - A Case Study
Compiler Construction
Compiler Construction: Proc./18th International Conference, CC 2009, ETAPS 2009, York, UK, March 2009
Compiler Construction: Proc./6th Intern. Conf., CC 96. Linkoping, Sweden, April 1996
Compiler Construction Using Scheme
Compiler Design
Compiler Structure Engineering With Attribute Grammars
Compiling for a Hybrid Programmng Model Using the LMAD Representation
Complexity of database languages
Component Based Design of Multitolerant Systems
Component-Based Information Systems Development Tool Supporting the SYNTHESIS Design Method
Component-Based Software Engineering: Proc./13th International Symposium, CBSE 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2010
Component-Based Software Engineering: Proc./8th International Symposium, CBSE 2005. St.Louis, MO, USA, May 2005
Composable Message Semantics in Oberon
Compositional Liveness Properties of EN-Systems
Compositional Modeling in Metropolis
Composition of Tensor Product Bezier Representations
Computerised Data Bank of VINITI: Design Problems and Principles
Computer Performance Engineering: Proc./5th European Performance Engineering Workshop, EPEW 2008. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, September 2008
Computers Then and Now
Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design IV: Revised Selected Papers/11th International Conference, CSCWD 2007. Melbourne, Australia, April 2007
Computing at Work: Empowering Action by Low-level Users
ConceptBase V3.0 User Manual
Conception des systemes a evenements discrets a l aide des reseaux de Petri: la propriete de bornitude structurelle
Conceptual Design and Development of Information Services
Conceptual Learning in Database Design
Conceptual Modeling and Programming Languages
Concurrency and Hardware Design: Advances in Petri Nets
Concurrency Cliches in CCS and CPN
Concurrent ML: Design, Application and Semantics
Conflict Resolution in Computer-Supported Cooperative Design
Conjectures and Refutations in Database Design and Dependency Theory
Connecting the Design of Software to the Design of Work
Considerations in HPJava Language Design and Implementation
Considering Guidelines in Group Interface Design: A New Group-Friendly Interface for the CHAOS System
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