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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Automatic Translation of VDM Specifications into Standard ML Programs
Automating (Specification = Implemenation) using Equational Reasoning and LOTOS
Automating Test Case Generation from Z Specifications with Isabelle
Automating the Generation and Sequencing of Test Cases from Model-Based Specifications
Automation of Software System Development Using Natural Language Processing and Two-Level Grammar
A VDM-SL Specification for the vi Pattern Matcher
AVL Trees Revisited: A Case Study in Spectrum
AVL Trees Revisited: A Case Study in SPECTRUM
A Web-based Animator for Object Specifications in a Persistent Environment
A Z Specification of the Soft-Link Hypertext Model
B 2007: Formal Specification and Development in B: Proc./7th International Conference of B Users. Besancon, France, January 2007
B 98: Recent Advances in the Development and Use of the B Method: Proc./Second Intern. B Conf. Montpellier, France, April 1998
Bahavior-Oriented Specification in Gist
Banana - A Tool for Boudary Ambients Nesting ANAlysis
Basic Principles for Software Specification: Introduction to Subject Area Reference Case Study Production Automation
Basic-REAL: Integrated Approach for Design, Specification and Verification of Distributed Systems
Behavioral Approaches to Algebraic Specifications. A Comparative Study
Behavioral Specification for Hierarchical Object Composition
Behavioural Specification and Implementation of Modular Software Systems
Behaviour Specification in Database Interoperation
Behaviour Specification of Parallel Active Objects
Big Data Benchmarking: Revised Selected Papers/5th International Workshop, WBDB 2014, Potsdam, Germany, August 2014
Bisimulation for Communication Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes (CPDPs)
Bounded linear logic: a modular approach to polynomial-time computability
Bounded Model Checking for Weak Alternating Buechi Automata
Branching Time Semantics for UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams
Building Bridges between Knowledge Representation and Algebraic Specification
Building Integrated Software Development Environments Part I: Tool Specification
Building Reusable Components Through Project Evolution Analysis
Bunches for Object-Oriented, Concurrent, and Real-Time Specification
Business Process Models: Change Management
Calculating Encoding and Decoding Functions for Prefix Codes
Canonical Forms for Data-Specifications
Canonical term functors and parameterization-by-use for the specification of abstract data types
Case Study in Trace Specification of Non-deterministic Modules
Case Study "Production Cell": A Comparative Study in Formal Specification and Verification
Case Study: Specification and Refinement of the PI-Bus
CASE-системы и методы спецификации программ
CASL Reference Manual
CASL User Manual
Causal Behaviours and Nets
Causality Based Proof of a Distributed Shared Memory System
CCE: A Process-Calculus Based Formalism for Specifying Multi-Object Coordination
CENTAUR: the system
Characterizing Confusion
Characters + Mark-up = Z Lexis
Checking Strong Specifications Using an Extensible Software Model Checking Framework
Checking Z Data Refinements Using an Animation Tool
Classification Schemes to Aid in the Analysis of Real-Time Systems
CLPS-B - A Constraint Solver for B
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