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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
An Approach to Effective Model-Checking of Real-Time Finite-State Machines in Mu-Calculus
An Approach to Parametrized First-order Specifications: Semantics, Correctness, Parameter Passing
An Architecture with Multiple Meta-Levels for the Development of Correct Programs
An Astract Property of Confluence Applied to the Study of the Lazy Partial Lambda Calculus
A Natural Deduction Approach to Dynamic Logic
An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Linear Temporal Logic
An Automata-Theoretic Decision Procedure for Future Interval Logic
An Axiomatization of Lamport s Temporal Logic of Actions
An Effective Model Checking for Mu-calculus: From Finite Systems Towards Systems with Real Time
An Efficient Decision Algorithm For Feature Logic
An "Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse Game" for Fixpoint Logic and Stratified Fixpoint Logic
An Engineering Approach to Formal Digital System Design
An Essay on Name and Extension of Rule-Given Properties
A New Logic for Electronic Commerce Protocols
A New Sorted Logic
A New Test Design Method for Requirement-Based Software Testing
A New Type Theory for Representing Logics
An Expressive Logic for Basic Process Algebra
An Expressively Complete Temporal Logic without Past Tense Operators for Mazurkiewicz Traces
An Extended Duration Calculus for Hybrid Real-Time Systems
An Extended Temporal Logic for CSCW
An Extension of Dynamic Logic for Modeling OCL s @pre Operator
An Extension of Linear Time Temporal Logic and Its Application to Hardware Design
An Industrial Strength Theorem Prover for a Logic Based on Common Lisp
An Institution of Object Behaviour
An Interpretation of NODEN in HOL
An Interval-Based Modal Logic for System Specification
An Introduction to Assertional Reasoning for Concurrent Systems
An Introduction to Category-based Equational Logic
An Introduction to Executable Modal and Temporal Logics
An Intuitijnistic Modal Logic with Applications to the Formal Verification of Hardware
An Intuitionistic Modal Logic with Applications to the Formal Verification of Hardware
Annotation-Based Deduction in Temporal Logic
A (Non-elementary) Modular Decision Procedure for LTrL
An Order-Based Composition Semantics for the Inheritance in the Logic-Based Object-Oriented Paradigm
A Note on Guarded Recursion
A Note on Tableaux of Logic of Paradox
Answer Sets and Nonmonotonic S4
A Petri Net Model for Nonmonotonic Reasoning Based on Annotated Logic Programs
A Possibility-Based Propositional Logic of Conditionals
Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1997: Proc./18th Intern. Conf., ICATPN 97. Toulouse, France, June 1997
Applications of Fuzzy Sets Theory: Proc./7th International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, WILF 2007. Camogli, Italy, July 2007
Applications of Modal Logic for the Specification of Real-Time Systems
Applications of Transaction Logic to Knowledge Representation
Applying a Temporal Logic to the RPC-Memory Specification Problem
Applying Temporal Logic to Analysis of Behavior of Cooperating Logic Programs
A Predicate Logic of Well-Founded Actions
A Prioritized Contextual Default Logic: Curing Anomalous Extensions with a Simple Abnormality Default Theory
A Probabilistic Terminological Logic for Modeling Information Retrieval
A process semantics and equivalences of logic programs
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