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Связанные издания:
1988-2003: эволюция программирования за последние 15 лет
Abductive Analysis of Modular Logic Programs
A Bernoulli Factory
A Better XML Parser through Functional Programming
A Bibliography on Parallel Parsing
A Bidirectional Method for Numerical Conformal Mapping Based on the Charge Simulation Method
A Blocking-based Approach to Protocol Validation
A Bounded Graph-Connect Construction for LR-regular Parsers
Abstract Analysis with Aspect
Abstract Compilation: A New Implementation Paradigm for Static Analysis
Abstract compilation of LambdaProlog
Abstract Domains for Sharing Analysis by Optimal Semantics
Abstracting Unification: A Key Step in the Design of Logic Program Analyses
Abstract Interpretation and Application to Logic Programs
Abstract Interpretation-Based Certification of Assembly Code
Abstract Interpretation Based Formal Methods and Future Challenges
Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analysis of Mobile Ambients
Abstract Interpretation of Linear Logic Programming
Abstract Interpretation of Prolog Programs
Abstract Interpretation Using TDGs
Abstractions for Recursive Pointer Data Structures: Improving the Analysis and Transformation of Imperative Programs
Abstractions from Proofs
Abstraction Techniques for Validation Coverage Analysis and Test Generation
Abstract Iterpretation over Non-deterministic Finite Tree Automata for Set-Based Analysis of Logic Programs
Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B and Z: Proc./2nd International Conference, ABZ 2010, Orford,QC,Canada, February 2010
Abstract Verification and Debugging of Constraint Logic Programs
Abstract Views of Prolog Executions in Opium
A Calculus of Countable Broadcasting Systems
Accomplishments and Research Challenges in Meta-Programming (Invited Paper)
Accurate Binding Time Analysis for Imperative Languages
Accurate Binding-Time Analysis for Imperative Languages: Flow, Context, and Return Sensitivity
Accurate Shape Analysis for Recursive Data Structures
A C++ Data Model Supporting Reachability Analysis and Dead Code Detection
A Class of Well Structured Petri Nets for Flexible Manufacturing Systems
A CLP(R) Options Trading Analisys System
Acme-Based Software Architecture Interchange
A Coding Scheme to Support Systematic Analysis of Software Comprehension
A Collective I/O Scheme Based on Compiler Analysis
A Compact Petri Net Representation and Its Implications for Analysis
A Comparative Analysis of Two-Phase-Commit Protocols
A Comparison and Evalution of Data Requinement Specification Techniques in SSADM and the Unified Process
A competitive 2-server algorithm
A Compile-Time Memory-Reuse Scheme for Concurrent Logic Programs
A Comprehensive Approach to Array Bounds Check Elimination for Java
A comprehensive database schema integration method based on the theory of formal concepts
A Comprehensive Toolset for Workload Characterization, Performance Modeling, and Online Control
A Confluent Cakculus for Concurrent Constraint Programming with Guarded Choice
A Controlled Experiment to Assess the Benefits of Estimating with Analogy and Regression Models
ACTION: An Automatic Classification Algorithm for Full-Text Documents
Active Media Technology: Proc./8th International Conference, AMT 2012, Macao, China, December 2012
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