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Связанные издания:
Supporting the Deployment of Object-Oriented Frameworks
Supporting User-Friendly Analysis of Timing Constraints
Suppression of Redundant Operations in Reverse Compile Code Using Global Dataflow Analysis
Suspension Analysis for Concurrent Logic Programs
SVMview: A Performance Tuning Tool for DSM-Based Parallel Computers
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation: Proc./ International Symposia, SIDE 2012 and EC 2012 Held in Conjunction with ICAISC 2012, Zakopane, Poland, April 2012
Symbiosis of Static Analysis and Program Testing
Symbol Grounding and Beyond: Proc./3rd Intl WS on the Emergence and Evolution of Linguistic Communication, EELC 2006. Rome, Italy, September/October 2006
Symbolic Analysis: A Basis for Parallelization, Optimization, and Scheduling of Programs
Symbolic Boolean Manipulation with Ordered Binary-Decision Diagrams
Symbolic Program Analysis and Optimization for Parallelizing Compilers
Symbolic Reachability of Probabilistic Linear Hybrid Automata
Symbolic Reaching Definitions Analysis of Ada Programs
Symbolic Transfer Function-based Approaches to Certified Compilation
Symbolic Verification with Gap-Order Constraints
Synchronisation Analysis to Stop Tupling
Synchronization Analyses for Multiple Recursion Parameters
Synchronized Products of Transition Systems and Their Analysis
Synchronous Closing and Flow Analysis for Model Checking Timed Systems
Syntactical Analysis of Total Termination
Synthesis of Directionality Information for Functional Logic Programs
Synthesis of Monitors for Real-Time Analysis of Reactive Systems
Synthesis of Net Systems
Synthesis-Oriented Situational Analysis in User Interface Design
System Acquisition Based on Software Product Assessment
Systematic choice of initial points in local search: Extensions and application to Neural Networks
Systematic Realisation of Control Flow Analyses for CML
System Checkpointing using Reflection and Program Analysis
Systolic Parsing of Context-free Languages
Table-Driven Bottom Up Parser in Prolog
Tables, Trees and Formulas in Decision Analysis
Taking Random Walks to Grow Trees in Hypercubes
Targeting Safety-Related Errors During Software Requirements
Task-Structure Analysis for Knowledge Modeling
TATOO: Testing and Analysis Tool for Object-Oriented Software
TAU: A Portable Parallel Program Analysis Environment for pC++
TDL: A Hardware Description Language for Retargetable Postpass Optimizations and Analyses
Teaching Tools for Data Structures and Algorithms
Techniques and Tools for the Temporal Analysis of Retrieval Information
Techniques for Process Analysis and Unification
Techniques for Update Handling in the Enhanced Client-Server DBMS
Technology and Practice of Passwords: Revised Selected Papers/ International Conference on Passwords, PASSWORDS 14, Trondheim, Norway, December 2014
Temporal Analysis of Time Bounded Digital Systems
Temporal Relations in Geographic Information Systems: A Workshop at the University of Maine
Term Completion Versus Algebraic Completion
Termination Analysis for Abductive General Logic Programs
Termination Analysis for Offline Partial Evaluation of a Higher Order Functional Language
Termination Analysis for Tabled Logic Programming
Terminologie der Softwaretechnik. Ein Begriffssystem fur die Analyse und Modellierung von Anwendungssystemen. Teil 1: Begriffssystematik und Grundbegriffe
Terminologie der Softwaretechnik. Ein Bergiffssystem fur die Analyse und Modellierung von Anwendungssystemen. Teil 2: Tatigkeits- und ergebnisbezogene Elemente
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