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Связанные издания:
Integrating Reuse into a Software Development Environment
Interacting with the FIELD environment
KidSim: Programming Agents without a Programming Language
Knowledge-based Programming Environments
Kommunikationskomponente fur eine dezentrale Software-Etwicklungsumgebung
LAN Manager Grows Up
Maintaining Bounded Disorder Files in Multiprocessor multi-Disk Environments
MASP: A model for Assisted Software Processes
MicroTool: An Environment for Programming Microprocessors
Neural Computing and the GALATEA Project
On the Development of Environments for Developing Expert Systems
On the Utilisation of Persistent Programming Environments
Overview of MC/LISP System
PapaGraph: Graph Editor Support for Parallel Programming Environments
Parallel Computation: Proc./Second Intern. ACPC Conf. Gmunden, Austria, October 1993
PAWS: A Performance Evaluation Tool for Parallel Computing Systems
Portia: An Instance-Centered Environments for Smalltalk
Posting Compression in Dynamic Retrieval Environments
PPP: An Integrated CASE Environment
Principles of a Reference Model for Computer Aided Software Engineering Environments
Prograis: An environment for handling histories of software development processes
Proof theory for exeption handling in a tasking environment
Rapport D activite 1990, Annexe Technique, Programme 2, Calcul symbolique, programmation et Genie logiciel
Reconfigurable Ada Distributed Control System Software
Sleepers and Workaholics: Caching Strategies in Mobile Environments
Software Engineering Environments
Software Environments for Computer Aided Education
Software Reusability
Software Tools in Context
SourceWeave.NET: Cross-Language Aspect-Oriented Programming
Stend- a programming environment for AI systems development
Systems Engineering Environments of ATMOSPHERE
The Amadeus GRT - Generic Runtime Support for Distributed Persistent Programming
The CLOS Project: Towards an Object-Oriented Environment for Application Development
The Design and Implementation of HoME
The KIWIS Knowledge Base Management System
The Paragon Performance Monitoring Environment
The PCTE Contribution to Ada Programming Support Environments (APSE)
The REBOOT Environment
The Software Development Assistant
Toolboxes: a practical approach to reusability in an object-oriented environment
Tool Integration in Software Engineering Environments
Towards Comprehensive Support for the Dynamic Analysis of Petri Net Based Models
Towards Formal Description and Automatic Generation of Programming Environments
TRW s SEE Saga
Un environment graphique pour la programmation en un langage parallele: OCCAM
Un environnement de programmation pour langage d acteur distribue
Un Environnement Multi-Utilisateurs base sur la Programmation Applicative
Unifying the Design and Implementation of User Interfaces through the Object Paradigm
URANO: An Object-Oriented Artificial Neural Network Simulation Tool
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