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Связанные издания:
Mapping HRT-HOOD Designs to Ada 95 Hierarchical Libraries
Mapping uniform recurrences onto small size arrays
Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science: Revised Selected Papers/10th International Doctoral Workshop, MEMICS 2015, Telc, Czech Republic, October 2015
Mathematical Independencies in the Pure Calculus of Constructions
Maude as a Formal Meta-tool
Meaningful Change Detection on the Web
Measuring Aspect Cohesion
Mechanized Formal Methods: Progress and Prospects
Mechanizing Formal Methods: Opportunities and Chhallenges
Medical Computer Vision and Bayesian and Graphical Models for Biomedical Imaging: Revised Selected Papers/MICCAI 2016 International Workshops, MCV and BAMBI, Athens, Greece, October 2016
Menu Stacking-Help or Hindrance?
Merging Estelle with TLA+ - work in progress
M.E.R.O.DE.: A Model-driven Entity-Relationship Object-oriented DEvelopment method
MetaEdit+: A Fully Configurable Multi-User and Multi-Tool CASE and CAME Environment
Meta-programming with Typed Object-Language Representations
Method for the Analysis and Design of Class Characteristic Migrations During Object System Evolution
Method Integration and Support for Distributed Software Development: An Overview
Method Precomputation in Object-Oriented Databases
Methods and Tools for Data Value Re-Engineering
Methods and Tools of Parallel Programming Multicomputers: Revised Selected Pappers/ Second Russia-Taiwan Symposium, MTPP 2010, Vladivostok, Russia, May 2010
Methods as Assertions
Methods for Exploitation of Fine-Grained Parallelism
Methods of Programming: Selected Papers on the CIP-Project
Metrics in Method Engineering
MI - an Object Oriented Environment for Integration of Scientific Applications
MIDEE: Smoothing Branch and Instruction Cache Miss Penalties on Deep Pipelines
Mobile Human-Computer Interaction - Mobile HCI 2004: Proc./6th International Symposium, Mobile HCI 2004. Glasgow, UK, September 2004
Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence: Revised Selected and Invited Papers/4th Workshop, MoChArt IV. Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2006
Model Checking in Practice. The T9000 Virtual Channel Processor
Model Driving Engineering
Modeling Cooperating Agents Scenarios by Deductive Planning Methods and Logical Fiberings
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: Proc./4th International Conference, MDAI 2007. Kitakyushu, Japan, August 2007
Modeling Fuzzy Sets Using Object-Oriented Techniques
Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems: Revised Selected Papers/1st International Workshop, MESAS 2014, Rome, Italy, May 2014
Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Workshop, MESAS 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, April 2015
Modelling hypermedia and web applications: the Ariadne Development Method
Modelling Processes Using a Stepwise Refinement Technique
Models, Formalisms and Methods for Object-Oriented Distributed Computing
Model Transformantion Languages and Their Implementation by Bootstrapping Method
MOF-Tree: A Spatial Access Method to Manipulate Multiple Overlapping Features
Monitoring Continual Range Queries
Mothod Components - Rationale Revealed
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation III: Proc./4th Intern. Workshop, MABS 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 2003
Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies: Revised Selected Papers/14th European Conference, EUMAS 2016, and 4th International Conference, AT 2016, Valencia, Spain, December 2016
Multi-Disciplinary Software Reuse Research at Hewlett-Packard
Multiple Classifier Systems: Proc./10th International Workshop, MCS 2011, Naples, Italy, June 2011
Multiple Dispatch as Dispatch on Tuples
Multiple-Dispatching Based on Automata
Multiple Markup in XML Documents
Multi-Project Scheduling
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