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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Consistent Integration of Formal Methods
Constant Interaction-Time Scatter/Gather Browsing of Very Large Document Collections
Constant Propagation Versus Join Reordering in Datalog
Constraining Interference in an Object-Based Design Method
Constraint Diagrams: Visualizing Invariants in Object-Oriented Models
Constraint Processing Techniques for Improving Join Computation: A Proof of Concept
Constraints in Term Algebras
Constructing Software Design Theories and Models
Construction and Deduction Methods for the Formal Development of Software
Continuation Conscious Compilation
Contributions for Modeling UML State-Charts in B
Control Flow Prediction for Dynamic ILP Processors
Cooperation of Formal Methods in an Engineering Based Software Development Process
Cooperative Software Development and the Prosoft Environment
Corporate Systems Management: An Overview and Research Perspective
Corpus-based Static Branch Prediction
Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods: Proc./13th IFIP WG 10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference, CHARME 2005. Saaerbruecken, Germany, October 2005
Covering Step Graph
Cross-Langage Retrieval for the CLEF Collections - Comparing Multiple Methods of Retrieval
Cross-Language Information Retrieval Using Multiple Resources and Combinations for Query Expansion
CSP-Programs as Nets with Individual Tokens
Current Directions in Hyper-Programming
Cyber Warfare: Steganography vs. Steganalysis
Data Abstraction for CSP-OZ
Database Query Evaluation with the STARBASE Method
Databases and Preservice Social Studies Methods Courses
Database Systems for Advances Applications: Proc./16th International Conference, DASFAA 2011, International Workshops: GDB, SIM3, FlashDB, SNSMW, DaMEN, DQIS, Hong Kong, China, April 2011
Database Techniques for the World-Wide Web: A Survey
Data-centric Multi-level Blocking
Data Groups: Specifying the Modification of Extended State
Datalog: a self-contained tutorial. Part two
Data Mining Techniques for Associations, Clustering and Classification
Data Path Issues in a Highly Concurrent Machine
Data Specialization
Debugging Applications
Debugging by Diagnosing Assumptions
Debugging Parallelized Code Using Code Liberation Techniques
Declustering Spatial Databases on a Multi-Computer Architecture
Deep Learning and Data Labeling for Medical Applications: Proc./1st International Workshop LABELS 2016, and 2nd International Workshop, DLMIA 2016, Held as Conjunction with MICCAI 2016, Atens, Greece, October 2016
Defense (et Illustration) de la Combinaison de Methodes en CLOS
Delinearization: an Efficient Way to Break Multiloop Dependence Equations
Dependence-Conscious Global Register Allocation
Der KIDS-Ansatz zur Implementierung von Datenbankverwaltungssystemen
Design and Evaluation of Concurrency and Coherency Control Techniques for Database Sharing Systems
Designing Access Methods for Bitemporal Databases
Designing a Framework by Stepwise Generalization
Designing Storage Structure for Management of Matearilised Methods in Object-Oriented Databases
Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design Thinking and Methods, Part I: Proc./5th International Conference, DUXU 2016, Held as Part of HCI International 2016, Toronto, Canada, July 2016
Design with Asynchronously Communicating Components
Detection of Randomness of DNA Sequences Based on 3-Dimensional Representations
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