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инженерия знаний
Связанные издания:
A Comparative Assessment of Selected Approaches in the Focal Area of Knowledge Engineering and Cognition
A Lesson for Software Engineering from Knowledge Engineering
An Integrated Environment for the Design and Evalution of Distributed Systems
Bridging the Gap between Knowledge Engineering and Efficient Implementation in an Intelligent Tutoring System
Case-based Reasoning and Model-based Knowledge-Acquisition
Case-Based Reasoning Applied to a Force Generation Decision Aid
Cases as a Basis for Knowledge Acquisition in the Pre-Formal Phases of Knowledge Engineering
Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Architectures for Smart Applications: Proc./15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2007. Sheffield, UK, July 2007
Contemporary Knowledge Engineering and Cognition: Proc./First Joint Workshop. Kaiserslautern, Germany, February 1991
Database and Expert Systems Applications: Proc./4th Intern. Conf., DEXA 93. Prague, Czech Republic, September 1993
Dependency-Directed Binding of Variables for Constraint Logic Programming
Facts, Fantasies and Frameworks: The Design of a Knowledge Acquisition Workbench
How to Combine Data Abstraction and Model Refinement: A Methodological Contribution in MACAO
Information Systems Development as Knowledge Engineering: A review of the DAIDA Project
Information Systems Development as Knowledge Engineering: A Review of the DAIDA Project
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems,Part III: Proc./10 Int.Conference,KES 2006, Bournemouth,UK,Oktober 2006
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Part I: Proc./9th International Conference, KES 2005. Melbourne, Australia, September 2005
Knowledge Engineering
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - Ontologies and the Semantic Web: Proc./13th Intern. Conf., EKAW 2002, Siguenza, Spain, October 2002
Knowledge Engineering: Practice and Patterns: Proc./16th Internatioal Conference, EKAW 2008. Acitrezza, Italy, September/October 2008
Knowledge Engineering Research and Training at the dept. of Scientific and Technical Information, Prague School of Economics
Knowledge Science, Engineering, and Management: Proc./First International Conference, KSEM 2006. Guilin, China, August 2006
Mapping Expert Behavior onto Task-Level Frameworks: The Need for "Eco-Pragmatic" Approaches to Knowledge Engineering
MICAI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Proc./7th Mexican International Conference on AI. Atizapan de Zaragoza, Mexico, October 2008
Model Construction in MIKE (Model Based and Incremental Knowledge Engineering)
Modes of Interval-Based Plausible Reasoning Viewed via the Checklist Paradigm
Nature-Inspired Problem-Solving Methods in Knowledge Engineering: Part II: Proc./2nd Intl Work-Conference on the Interplay v Natural & Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2007. La Manga del Mar Menor, Spain, June 2007
Predicate Invention in Inductive Data Engineering
Relations between Knowledge Engineering and Cognitive Science: From Import/Export to a Truly Interdisciplinary Knowledge Acquisition Enterprise
Reuse Approaches in Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering: A Comparison
Rough Set and Knowledge Technology: Proc./5th International Conference, RSKT 2010, Beijing, China, October 2010
Shifting Positions: Moving from a Cognitive Science Point of View to a Knowledge Engineering Stance
The Cognitive Basis of Knowledge Engineering
The Participatory Design of a Computer Assisted Knowledge Engineering Methodology and Tool: The ALADIN+ Project
The Role of Cognitive Science in Knowledge Engineering
Viewing Knowledge Engineering as a Symbiosis of Modeling to Make Sense and Modeling to Implement Systems
Конструирование семантических процессов
Обработка знаний
Приобретение знаний
Разработка систем структуризации и извлечения экспертных знаний
Справочный интерфейс для доступа разработчиков экспертных систем к базе профессиональных знаний по теме "Инженерия знаний. Анализ предметной задачи"
Средства формирования базы знаний для плохо структурированной области
Схема взаимодействия эксперта и инженера знаний при проектировании экспертной системы
Схема взаимодействия эксперта и инженера знаний при проектировании экспертных систем
Схема взаимодействия эксперта и инженера знаний при проектировании экспертных систем