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Связанные издания:
Analysis of Non-Work-Conserving Processor Partitioning Policies
An Analysis of Dynamic Scheduling Techniques for Symbolic Applications
An Analysis of Zero-Clairvoyant Scheduling
An Efficient and Scalable Coscheduling Technique for Large Symmetric Miltiprocessor Clusters
An Efficient Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems
An Efficient Resource-Constrained Global Scheduling Technique for Syperscalar and VLIW processors
An Engineering Approach to QoS Provisioning over the Internet
A New Approach to Schedule Operations Across Nested-ifs and Nested-loops
A New Fast Algorithm for Optimal Register Allocation in Modulo Scheduled Loops
An Experimental Evaluation of Processor Pool-Based Scheduling for Shared-Memory NUMA Multiprocessors
An Integrated Approach to Parallel Scheduling using Gang-Scheduling, Backfilling, and Migration
An Investigation of the Performance of Various Dynamic Scheduling Techniques
An Open Framework for Managed Regression Testing
AO System- APL in Construction Planning
A parallel algorithm for two processors precedence constraint scheduling
A Performance Evaluation of Several Priority Policies for Parallel Processing Systems
A POSIX-Ada Interface for Application-Defined Scheduling
Application of Constraint Hierarchy to Timetabling Problems
Application of Diakoptical MAS Framework to Planning Process Modeling
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: Proc./16th European Conference, EvoApplications 2013, Vienna, Austria, April 2013
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: Proc./EvoWorkshops 2005: EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoMUSART, and EvoSTOC. Lausanne, Switzerland, March/April 2005
Applying Cilk in Provably Efficient Task Scheduling
Applying Real-Time Scheduling Technoloques to Software Processes: A Position Paper
A Proposal to Integrate the POSIX Execution-Time Clocks into Ada 95
Architectures and Algorithms for Group Scheduling
Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems: Revised Selected Papers/8th International Workshop, ArgMAS 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2011
A Round Robin Scheduling Policy for Ada
Array Reference Disambiguation for VLIW
Artificial Life and Computational Intelligence: Proc./2nd Australasian Conference, ACALCI 2016, Canberra, ACT, Australia, February 2016
A Scalable Multi-Discipline, Multiple-Processor Scheduling Framework for IRIX
A Scheduling Discipline and Admission Control Policy for Xunet 2
A Self-Tuning Job Scheduler Family with Dynamic Policy Switching
A Shape Matching Approach for Scheduling Fine-Grained Parallelism
A Spill Code Placement Framework for Code Scheduling
Assignment and Sheduling Communicating Periodic Tasks in Distributed Real-Time Systems
A Task Scheduling Algorithm for the Parallel Expression Evaluation in a Reconfigurable Fully Digit On-Line Network
A Theory of Distributing Train Rescheduling
A Tool to Schedule Parallel Applications on Multiprocessors: The NANOS CPU Manager
Augmented Cognition: Proc./13th International Conference, AC 2019, Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCI 2019, Orlando,FL,USA, July 2019
A Unified Software Pipeline Construction Scheme for Modulo Scheduled Loops
Automatic Generation of Schedulers in the Framework of the PAGODE System
Automatic generation of sheduling and communication code in real-time parallel programs
Autonomous and Intelligent Systems: Proc./Second International Conference, AIS 2011, Burnaby,BC,Canada, June 2011
Autoscheduling in a Distributed Shared-Memory Environment
Backfilling with Loakahead to Optimize the Performance of Parallel Job Scheduling
Backtracking-Free Design Planning by Automatic Synthesis in MetaFrame
Balanced Scheduling: Instruction Scheduling When Memory Latency is Uncertain
Bidirectional Scheduling: A New Global Code Scheduling Approach
Branch-level Scheduling in Aurora: The Dharma Scheduler
Cache-Aware Real-Time Disk Scheduling
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