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Связанные издания:
Dynamic Query Scheduling in Parallel Data Warehouses
Dynamic Scheduling of Parallel Applications
Dynamic Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks, by Assignment
Economic Scheduling in Grid Computing
Effectiveness of Heuristics and Simulated Annealing for the Scheduling of Concurrent Tasks - An Empirical Comparison
Effective Selection of Partition Sizes for Moldable Scheduling of Parallel Jobs
Effect of Job Size Characteristics on Job Scheduling Performance
Effects of Deadline Propagation on Scheduling Nested Transactions in Distributed Real-Time Database Systems
Effects of Job Size Irregularity on the Dynamic Resource Scheduling of a 2-D Mesh Multicomputer
Effects of Memory Performance on Parallel Job Scheduling
Efficient Analysis of Logic Programs with Dynamic Scheduling
Efficient Computation of Solutions for Contradictory Time Interval Networks
Efficient Formulation for Optimal Modulo Schedulers
Efficient Scheduling of Fine Grain Parallelism in Loops
Empirical Differences between COTS Middleware Scheduling Strategies
Enhanced Modulo Scheduling for Loops with Conditional Branches
ERP modeling: a comprehensive approach
Evaluating Heuristic Scheduling Algorithms for High Performance Parallel Processing
Event Diagnosis and Recovery in Real-Time On-Board Autonomous Mission Control
Evolutionary Computation for the Job-shop Scheduling Problem
Evolution-Based Scheduling of Computations and Communications on Distributed-Memory Multicomputers
Experimental Scheduling of Parallel Processing with and without Real-Time Constraints
Extending the Rate-Minotonic Scheduling Algorithm to Get Shorter Dalays
Extending the Statechart Formalism: Event Scheduling & Disposition
Extraction of Efficient Instruction Schedulers from Cycle-True Processor Models
Factoring. A Method for Scheduling Parallel Loops
Factory scheduling using Finite Domains
Fine-grain Scheduling under Resource Constraints
First-Class User-Level Threads
Flexible Scheduling of Or-parallelism in Aurora: The Bristol Scheduler
Gang Scheduling Extensions for I/O Intensive Workloads
Generalized Scheduling on a Single Processor in Real-Time Systems Based on Time Value Functions
Global State Detection Using Network Preemption
Grid Computing - GRID 2002: Proc./Third Intern. Workshop, Baltimore, MD, USA, November 2002
Handling Conceptual Model Validation by Planning
HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems: Proc./1st International Conference, MobiTAS 2019 Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCI 2019, Orlando,FL,USA, July 2019
Heuristics for Parallel Machine Scheduling with Delivery Times
Hiding Memory Latency using Dynamic Scheduling in Shared-Memory Multiprocessor
High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers: Proc./Fourth International Conference, HiPEAC 2009, Paphos, Cyprus, January 2009
Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing: Proc./3rd Intl Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and MA Systems, HoloMAS 2007. Regensburg, Germany, September 2007
ILISCE: A System for Learning Control Heuristics in a Scheduling Environment
Implementation and Evaluation of Alternative Process Schedulers in Minix
Implementation of a Real-Time Database System
Implementing a Flexible Scheduler in Ada
Implementing an Application-Defined Scheduling Framework for Ada Tasking
Implementing and Using Execution Time Clocks in Ada Hard Real-Time Applications
Implementing Multiprocessor Scheduling Disciplines
Implications of I/O for Gang Scheduled Workloads
Improved Utilization and Responsiveness with Gang Scheduling
Improving Balanced Scheduling with Compiler Optimizations that Increase Instruction-Level Parallelism
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