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Связанные издания:
Optimization of Timed Automata Models Using Mixed-Integer Programming
Ordering problems approximated: single-processor scheduling and interval graph completion
Ordonnancement base sur les reseaux de Petri
Outlook 2007: возможности для офиса
Overhead Analysis of Preemptive Gang Scheduling
Parallel Computing Using Idle Workstations
Parallel Job Scheduling: Issues and Approaches
Parallel Job Scheduling under Dynamic Workloads
Partitioning Nested Loops for Load-Balanced Execution on Message-Passing Multiprocessors
Partitioning Pipelines with Communication Costs
Path Grouping and Data Dependence Relaxation for Software Pipelining
Performance Estimation for Scheduling on Shared Networks
Performance Evaluation of Gang Scheduling for Parallel and Distributed Multiprogramming
Periodic and Aperiodic Task Sheduling in Strongly Partitioned Integrated Real-time Systems
Periodic Multiprocessor Scheduling
Pipelining-Dovetailing: A Transformation to Enhance Software Pipelining for Nested Loops
Planing Support for Cooperating Transactions in EPOS
Planning Management of Multiagent-Based Distributed Open Computing Environment Model
Planning Support for Cooperating Transactions in EPOS
Planning with Abstraction Based on Partial Predicate Mappings
Polinomial Time Scheduling of Low Level Computer Vision Algorithms on Networks of Heterogeneous Machines
Practical Applications of Planning Tasks
Practical Heterogeneous Placeholder Scheduling in Overlay Metacomputers: Early Experiences
Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling V: Revised Selected Papers/5th International Conference, PATAT 2004. Pittsburgh, PA, USA, August 2004
Preemption Based Backfill
Presentation Scheduling of Multimediia Objects and Its Impact on Network and Operating System Support
PRICAI 2014: Trends in Artifical Intelligence: Proc./13th Pacific Rim International Conference on AI, Gold Coast,QLD,Australia, December 2014
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP96: Proc./Second International Conference,CP96, Cambridge,MA,USA,August 1996
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: Proc./21st International Conference, CP 2015, Cork, Ireland, August 2015
Prioritization in Parallel Symbolic Computing
Probabilistic Loop Scheduling Considering Communication Overhead
Processor Scheduling on Multiprogrammed, Distributed Memory Parallel Computers
Progress-Based Regulation of Low-Importance Processes
Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Part I: Proc./19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019, Vila Real, Portugal, September 2019
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: Proc./ 7th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 95. Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal, October 1995
Project scheduling with irregular costs: complexity, approximability, and algorithms
Proof of the 4/3 Conjecture for Preemptive vs. Nonpreemptive Two-Processor Scheduling
PScheD Political Scheduling on the CRAY T3E
QoPS: A QoS Based Scheme for Parallel Job Scheduling
Quality of Service in Multiservice IP Networks: Proc./Third International Workshop, QoS-IP 2005. Catania, Italy, February 2005
Refined Local Instruction Scheduling Considering Pipeline Interlocks
Register allocation and scheduling: a generic approach
Register Allocation for Software Pipelined Loops
Register Allocation with Instruction Scheduling: a New Approach
Regular Array Synthesis Using ALPHA
Relating Stable Models and AI Planning Domains
Replica Determinism and Flexible Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Dependable Systems
Representing Plans Under Uncertainty. A Logic of Time, Chance, and Action
Requirements of the Cornell Theory Center for Resource Management and Process Scheduling
Resource Allocation Schemes for Gang Scheduling
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