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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Resource Management Methods for General Purpose Massively Parallel OS SSS-Core
Reverse If-Conversion
RoboCup 2013: Robot World Cup XVII
RoboCup 2017: Robot World Cup XXI
Robot Motion Planning using Probabilistic Road Maps
Robust and Online Large-Scale Optimization: Models and Techniques for Transportation Systems
Runtime Incremental Concentrated Scheduling on NOW(NRICS)
Scaling of Workload Traces
Scheduling Algebra
Scheduling Algorithms for Modern Disk Drives
Scheduling Algorithms for Multi-hop Radio Networks
Scheduling a Metacomputer with Uncooperative Sub-schedulers
Scheduling and Admission Testing for Jitter Constrained Periodic Threads
Scheduling and IPS Mechanisms for Continuous Media
Scheduling and Optimisation in the Automobile Industry
Scheduling and Variable Assignment in the Parallel Prolog Implementation
Scheduling a Task Graph onto a Message Passing Multiprocessor System
Scheduling Hard Real Time Systems Using High-Level Petri Nets
Scheduling in Critical Real-Time Systems: a Manifesto
Scheduling in HPC Resource Management Systems: Queuing vs. Planning
Scheduling Instructions by Direct Placement
Scheduling Jobs on Parallel Systems Using a Relaxed Backfill Strategy
Scheduling Jobs That Arrive Over Time (Extended Abstract)
Scheduling Loops on Parallel Processors: A Simple Algorithm with Close to Optimum Performance
Scheduling Master-Slave Multiprocessor Systems
Scheduling Mechanisms Reducing Contention Situations in Multimedia Systems
Scheduling Multiple Queries on a Parallel Machine
Scheduling Non-Numerical Programs with Hierarchical Windows
Scheduling of Hard Aperiodic Tasks in Hybrid Static/Dynamic Priority Systems
Scheduling of Parallel Jobs in a Heterogeneous Multi-site Environment
Scheduling of Parallel Programs in Single-Bus Multiprocessor Systems
Scheduling on AP/Linux for Fine and Coarse Grain Parallel Processes
Scheduling on the Tera MTA
Scheduling Or-Parallelism in Muse
Scheduling Parallel Communication: The h-relation Problem
Scheduling Parallel Tasks onto NUMA Multiprocessors with Inter-processor Communication Overhead
Scheduling Queries for Parallel Execution on Multicomputer Database Management System
Scheduling Query Plans with Buffer-Requirement Estimates
Scheduling Saves in Fault-Tolerant Computations
Scheduling Sporadic Tasks with Shared Resources in Hard-Real-Time Systems
Scheduling Task Graphs Onto Distributed Memory Multiprocessors Under Realistic Constraints
Scheduling Time-Critical Instructions on RISC Machines
Scheduling to ReduceMemory Coherence Overhead on Coarse-Grain Multiprocessors
Scheduling Transactions with Stringent Real-Time Constraints
Selective Reservation Strategies for Backfill Job Scheduling
Self-Organizing Processes
Service Components for Managing the Life-cycle of Service Compositions
SIDEKICK- отличный личный секретарь
Solving Deductive Planning Problems using Program Analysis and Transformation
Space Efficient Execution of Deterministic Parallel Programs
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