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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Adding Fair Choice to Dijkstra s Calculus
A Debugging Environment for Functional Programming in Centaur
A Declarative Approach to Concurrent Programming
A Definition Approach to Functional Logic Programming
A Demand Driven Computation Strategy for Lazy Narrowing
A Design Methodology for Process-Programming
A Diagramming Paradigm for Hierarchical Process Oriented Discrete Event Simulation
A Direct Algorithm for Type Inference in the Rank-2 Fragment of the Second-Order -Calculus
Adornments in Database Programs
Advanced Functional Programming: Revised Lectures/ Third International School, AFP 98, Braga, Portugal, September 1998
Advanced Functional Programming: Tutorial Text/First Intern. Spring School on Advanced Functional Programming Techniques. Bastad, Sweden, May 1995
Advanced Functional Programming: Tutorial Text/ Second International School. Olympia,WA,USA,August 1996
Advanced Programming in PVM
Advanced Tutorial: Using Compositional Programming to Write Portable, High-Performance Parallel Programs
Advances in Computing and Information- ICCI 90
Advances in New Technologies, Interactive Interfaces and Communicability: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Conference, ADNTIIC 2011, Huerta Grande, Argentina, December 2011
Advances in Software Engineering Techniques: Revised Selected Papers/4th IFIP TC2 Central and East European Conference, CEE-SET 2009, Krakow, Poland, October 2009
Advances in Web-based Learning - ICWL 2011: Proc./10th International Conference, Hong Kong, China, December 2011
A Dynamic-Programming Technique for Compacting Loops
A Family of Modula-2 light-weight processes in a UNIX environment
A Fault Tolerant Abstraction for Transparent Distributed Programming
A Feature Constraint System for Logic Programming with Entailment
A First Step Towards Autoepistemic Logic Programming
A Flexible System Design to Support Object-Groups and Object-Oriented Distributed Programming
A Formal Approach to Reactive Systems Software: A Telecommunications Application in ESTEREL
A Formal Definition of Priority in CSP
A Foundation for Higher-order Concurrent Constraint Programming
A Framework for Network Modeling
A Fully Abstract Semantics for a First-Order Functional Language with Logic Variables
A Functional Approach for Formalizing Regular Hardware Structures
A Functional Layer for Description Logics: Knowledge Representation Meets Object-Oriented Programming
A Functional Logic Programming Approach to Graphical User Interfaces
A Future-based Parallel Language for a General-purpose Highly-parallel Computer
A General Framework for Semantics-Based Bottom-Up Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs
A Generative Approach to Aspect-Oriented Programming
Agent-Based End-User Development
A Gentle Introduction to Haskell
Agent Oriented Programming: An Overview of the Framework and Summary of Recent Research
Agent-Oriented Programming for Open Systems
Agents as Constraint Objects
A Graph Model for Object Oriented Programming
A Hardware Implementation of Pure Esterel
A Hierarchical Method for Reasoning about Distributed Programming Languages
AKL(FD) - A Concurrent Language for FD Programming
A Kripke-Kleene Logic over General Logic Programs
A Language with Finite Sets Embedded in the CLP-scheme
A Lazy Approach to Partial Algebras
ALBA: A Parallel Language Based on Actors
ALBA: A Programming Model for Distributed Memory Architectures
ALCOR - An Algorithmic Concept Recognition Tool to Support High Level Parallel Program Development
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