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Связанные издания:
Constructing Medium Sized Efficient Functional Programs in Clean
Construction of Belief Sets for Logic Programs and Default Theories
Constructive Negation Based on the Completed Database
Constructive Negation by Pruning and Optimization Higher-Order Predicates for CLP and CC Languages
Consummating Virtuality to Support More Polymorphism in C++
Context-Sensitive Computations in Confluent Programs
Continuation-Based Partial Evaluation without Continuations
Control and Data Driven Execution of Logic Programs: A Comparison
Controlled Natural Language: Proc./3rd International Workshop, CNL 2012, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2012
COOMan - Coexistence of Object-Oriented and Relational Technology
Coordinating First-Order Multiparty Interactions
Coordinating Rule-Based Software Processes with ESP
Coordination Languages and their Significance
COREA: A Synchronous Calculus of Parallel Communicating Reactive Automata
Cost Analysis of Logic Programs
Counter-Intuitive Programming
CSP Laboratory
cu-Prolog and its Application to a JPSG Parser
Current Trends in Web Engineering: Revised Selected Papers/ICWE 2012 International Workshops MDWE, ComposableWeb, WeRE, QWE, and Doctoral Consortium, Berlin, Germany, July 2012
Cut Formulae and Logic Programming
Cyclic Reference Counting with Lazy Mark-scan
Database Issues in Object-Oriented Design
Data-flow Language for MIMD Distributed Memory Multiprocessors
Dataflow Pointcut in Aspect-Oriented Programming
Datalog Reloaded: Revised Selected Papers/First International Workshop, Datalog 2010, Oxford, UK, March 2010
Data Parallelism and Functional Programming
Data Parallel Programming: The Promises and Limitations of High Performance Fortran
Dataparallel Programming with Intelligent Communication
Datatype-Generic Programming: Revised Lectures/International Spring School, SSDGP 2006. Nottingham, UK, April 2006
Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies VIII: Revised, Selected and Invited Papers/8th International Workshop, DALT 2010, Toronto, Canada, May 2010
Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies VII: Revised Selected and Invited Papers/7th Internatiional Workshop, DALT 2009, Budapest, Hungary, May 2009
Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management: Revised Selected Papers/ Declarative Programming Days, KDPD 2013, Unifying INAP, WFLP, and WLP, Kiel, Germany, September 2013
Declarative Programming for Knowledge Management: Revised Selected Papers/ 16th International Conference INAP 2005 Fukuoka,Japan,October 2005
Declarative Programming in a Prototype-Instance System: Object-Oriented Programming without Writing Methods
Declarative Programming in Prolog
Declarative Program Transformation: A Deforestation Case-Study
Declarative Semantics of Hypothetical Logic Programming with Negation as Failure
Declarative Semantics of Logic Programming
Deduced Relevant Types and Constractive Negation
Deductive Database Systems: Applications and Programming
Deductive Object-Oriented Programming for Knowledge-base Independence
Delegation versus concatination or cloning is inheritance too
Delphi идет на смену Borland Pascal 7.0. Часть I. Обработка исключений
Denotational Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs
Dependency-Directed Binding of Variables for Constraint Logic Programming
Derivation d une Structure de Controle de Retour-Arriere
Derivation of Concurrent Algorithms in Tempo
Derivation of logic programs by functional methods
Deriving Structurial Hylomorphisms From Recursive Definitions
Design and Implementation of ET++, a Seamless Object-Oriented Application Framework
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