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Связанные издания:
Automatic Synthesis of the Inverses of APL Functions
Backtracking-Free Design Planning by Automatic Synthesis in MetaFrame
Balsa: An Asynchronous Hardware Synthesis Language
Branching Programs - An Efficient Data Structure for Computer-Aided Circuit Design
Bridging the Gap between Compilation and Synthesis in the DEFACTO System
Bridging the Gap Between Place- and Floyd-Unvariants with Applications to Preemptive Scheduling
B#: Toward a Synthesis between Z and B
Cadena: An Integrated Development Environment for Analysis, Synthesis, and Verification of Component-Based Systems
Calculating Encoding and Decoding Functions for Prefix Codes
Cliche-Based Program Editors
COFTA: Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis of Heterogeneous Distributed Embedded Systems for Low Overhead Fault Tolerance
Compilation and Synthesis for Real-Time Embedded Controllers
Compiler Synthesis of Task Graphs for Parallel Program Performance Prediction
Component-Based Synthesis of Dependable Embedded Software
Computational Pocessing of the Portuguese Language: Proc./6th Intern. Workshop, PROPOR 2003, Faro, Portugal, June 2003
Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language: Proc./ 8th International Conference, PROPOR 2008. Aveiro, Portugal, September 2008
Computer Graphics: Proc./SIGGRAPH 94, Conf. proc., July 24-29, 1994
Computer-Music Interfaces: A Survey
Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval: Revised Papers/Second International Symposium, CMMR 2004. Esbjerg, Denmark, May 2004
Concurrent Implementation of Structurally Synthesized Programs
Constraint Solver Synthesis Using Tabled Resolution for Constraint Logic Programming
Construction of Petri Nets with Prescribed Properties
Construction of Programs- an Alternative to Automatic Synthesis
Constructive Protocol Specification Using Cicero
Control Synthesis Based on a Graph-Theoretical Petri Net Analysis
Correct Compilation of Specifications to Deterministic Asynchronous Circuits
Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods: Proc./ IFIP WG10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference CHARME 95. Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Oktober 1995
Correction of Functional Logic Programs
Correct System Design: Proc./Symposium in Honor of Ernst-Rudiger Olderog on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, Oldenburg, Germany, September 2015
Deformations d objets Modelises par Reseaux d atomes
Derivation of Efficient Logic Programs by Synthesizing New Predicates
Deriving Fully Efficient Systolic Arrays by Quasi-Linear Allocation Functions
Deriving Petri Nets from Finite Transition Systems
Design Maintenance Systems
Design Synthesis and Silicon Compilation
Efficient Gateway Synthesis from Formal Specificatons
Enaction of Software Process Description in a Petri Net Model with Registers
Extracting Articulatory Data from Speech using Artificial Neural Networks
Field-Programmable Logic - Architectures, Synthesis and Applications: Proc./4th Intern. Workshop on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 94. Prague, Czech Republic, September 1994
Finding Stubborn Sets of Coloured Petri Nets Without Unfolding
Formal Derivation of Multilayered Hardware/Software Structures
Formal Design and Verification of Real-Time Embedded Software
Formal Methods in Programming and Their Applications: Proc./Intern. Conf. Academgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, June-July 1993
Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems: Proc./7th Intern. Symp., FTRTFT 2002, Co-sponsored by IFIP WG 2.2, Oldenburg, Germany, September 2002
Forms of Logic Specifications: A Preliminary Study
Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures: Proc./12th Intarnational Conference, FOSSACS 2009, ETAPS 2009, York. UK, March 2009
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures: Proc./6th Intern. Conf., FOSSACS 2003, Held as Part of the Joint European Conf. on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2003, Warsaw, Poland, April 2003
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures: Proc./7th Intern. Conf., FOSSACS 2004, Held as Part of the Joint European Conf. on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2004, Barcelona, Spain, March-April 2004
From Sounds to Music and Emotions: Revised Selected Papers/9th International Symposium, CMMR 2012, London, UK, June 2012
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: Proc./18th International Conference, FASE 2015 Held as Part of the ETAPS 2015, London, UK, April 2015
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