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Связанные издания:
Multibox Parsers
Multi-Transputer Implementation of Detonational Initiation Processes in Combustible Gas Mixtures
New Features in Fortran 90 (Draft of RATIONALES Appendix)
New Type Signatures for Legacy Fortran Subroutines
Object-Oriented Fortran 77 (A Practitioner s View)
Object Oriented Methods using Fortran 90
On PCF Parallel Fortran Extensions
On the Automatic Parallelization of Sparse and Irregular Fortran Programs
OpenMP in Heterogeneous World: Proc./8th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP 2012, Rome, Italy, June 2012
Optimized Execution of Fortran 90 Array Language on Symmetric Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Optimizing Communication in HPF Programs on Fine-Grain Distributed Shared Memory
ParaGraph - An Interactive Environment for Parallelizing FORTRAN Programs
Parallelizing Applications with SVM-Fortran
Parallelizing Compilers: What can be Achieved?
Parallel Programming with Polaris
Parametric Fortran - A Program Generator for Castomized Generic Fortran Extensions
Partial Evaluation and Symbolic Computation for the Understanding of Fortran Programs
Partial Evaluation of Numerical Programs in Fortran
Per Brinch Hansen s Concerns about High Performance Fortran
Performance Evaluation for Japenese HPF Compilers with Special Benchmark Suite
Performance Evaluation of HPF for Scientific Computing
Pfortran: A Parallel Dialect of Fortran
Position Calibration Software: Fortran Implementation of Algorithms to Determine Frame of Reference from Measurements of Registration Points
Probleme des Software-Engineering
Processing Array Statements and Procedure Interfaces in the PREPARE High Performance Fortran Compiler
Productive Parallel Programming: The PCN Approach
Programming in Vienna Fortran
Programming with Fortran
Prototyping Fortrran-90 Compilers for Massively Parallel Machines
RAMPA - CASE for Portable Parallel Programs Development
Restructuring for Style
Retire Fortran? A Debate Rekindled
Semantic Extension Possibilities in the Proposed New Fortran
Simplifying Polynomial Constraints Over Integers to Make Dependence Analysis More Precise
Slicing Analysis and Indirect Accesses to Distributed Arrays
Special Issue: High Performance Fortran Language Specification. Version 1.0 (May 3, 1993). Part I
State of the Art in Compiling HPF
Sun Studio 12 Интегрированная среда разработки
SVMview: A Performance Tuning Tool for DSM-Based Parallel Computers
Task Parallelism and High-Performance Languages
Techniques for the Translation of MATLAB Programs into Fortran 90
The Pandore Data-Parallel Compiler and its Portable Runtime
The Structure of Parafrase-2: an Advanced Parallelizing Compiler for C and Fortran
Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Particle-in-Cell Code Using High Performance Fortran on PC Cluster
Tools for High Performance Fortran: A Survey
Towards a Lightweight HPF Compiler
User Defined Mappings in Vienna Fortran
Using the Fortran 90 do while
Value-Based Distributions in Fortran D
Variants of Matrix-Matrix Multiplication for Fortran-90
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