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Связанные издания:
Predicting Fault-Prone Software Modules in Telephone Switches
Prediction = Power
Process Metrics for Requirements Analysis
Product and Process Metrics: A Software Engineering Measurement Expert System
PROMIS: A Software Metrics Tool Generator
Providing Automated Support for the GQM Measurement Process
Quantifying COTS Component Functional Adaptation
Quantitatively Evaluate Object-Oriented Software Evolution
Recent Industrial Experiences with Software Product Metrices
Reliability of Function Points Measurement: A Field Experiment
Reply to: Ernard Konrad: Application of Measurement Theory to Software Metrics - Comments on the Bollman-Zuse Approach
Research into Practice - Reality and Gaps: Proc./6th International Conferemce on the Qualuty of Software Architectures, QoSA 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2010
Reuse Assessment
Schatzung der Entwicklungskosten von objektorientierter
Search Based Software Engineering: Proc./3rd International Symposium, SSBSE 2011, Szeged, Hungary, September 2011
Similarity Search and Applications: Proc./8th International Conference, SISAP 2015, Glasgow, UK, October 2015
Sizing Use Cases: How to Create a Standard Metrical Approach
Software Complexity - An Alternative View
Software Complexity and Maintenance Costs
Software Engineering - ESEC 95: Proc./ 5th European Software Engineering Conference. Sitges, Spain, September 1995
Software Measure Specification
Software Metrics and Measurement Principles
Software Metrics and Security Standard Conformance Testing
Software Metrics by Architectural Pattern Mining
Software Metrics Knowledge and Databases for Project Management
Software-Qualitat und -Qualitatssicherung
Software Reuse at Ellemtel-Ericsson
Strong Fairness and Ultra Metric
Strong Fairness, metric spaces, and logical complexity
Structural Analysis of Hypertexts: Identifying Hierarchies and Useful Metrics
Survey of Closed Queueing Networks with Blocking
Temporal Logic Programming with Metric and Past Operators
Testing Software and Systems: Proc./26th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, ICTSS 2014, Madrid, Spain, September 2014
Testing Software and Systems: Proc./29th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, ICTSS 2017, St.Petersburg, Russia, October 2017
The Application of Metrics to Industrial Prototyping Processes: An Empirical Study
The Class Cohesion Using the Reference Graph G1 and G2
The Effect of Synchronization Requirements on the Performance of Distributed Simulations
The Impact of Software Evolution and Reuse on Software Quality
The Impact of Software Quality
The Introduction of an Object Oriented Analysis/Design Method and Object Oriented Metrics in the Software Development Life-Cycle
The Metric Based Compiler - A Current Requirement
The Reuse Maturity Model: RMM
The Stability and Utility of the ESPRIT Project, MUSiC, Performance-Based Indicators of Usability and Tools: An Evaluation of the Usability of the NPL iSDX Telephone System
Topics in Performance Evaluation, Measurement and Characterization: Revised Selected Papers/3rd TPC Technology Conference, TPCTC 2011, Seattle,WA,USA, August 2011
Toward Component-Based System: Using Static Metrics and Relationships in Object-Oriented System
Towards a Metrics Suite for Object-Oriented Design
Towards a Weighted Operational Profile
Towards the Design of a Metrics Cataloging System by Exploiting Conceptual and Semantic Web Approaches
Transactions on Computational Science IX. Special Issue on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering
Transactions on Rough Sets XIII
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