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Связанные издания:
A Comparative Performance Evaluation of Write Barrier Implementations
A Compiler Construction Project For an Object-Oriented Language
Actalk: une Plateforme de Modelisation de Langages d Acteurs en Smalltalk-80
A Fully Object-Oriented Exception Handling System: Rationale and Smalltalk Implementation
An Accidential Translator from Smaltalk to ANSI C
An Adaptive Tenuring Policy for Generation Scavengers
Animating an Actor Programming Model
An Object-Oriented Specification for Compiler
Applying Classification and Inheritance into Compiling
A Survey of Implementations of Concurrent, Parallel and Distributed Smalltalk
Back to the Future: The Story of Squeak, A Practical Smalltalk Written in Itself
ChyPro: A Hypermedia Programming Environment for Smalltalk-80
Classboxes: A Minimal Module Model Supporting Local Rebinding
Creating Host Compliance in a Portable Framework: A Study in the Reuse of Design Patterns
CritiGUI - Knowledge-based Support for the User Interface Design Process in Smalltalk
Definition of a Reflective Kernel for a Prototype-Based Language
Difficulties with Object-Oriented Frameworks
Experimental Classification Facilities for Smalltalk
Explicit Metaclasses as a Tool for Improving the Design of Class Libraries
Formulating Update Massages
Heuristiken zum objektorientierten Programmentwurf
Implementing a Real-Time, Embedded, Telecommunication Switching System in Smalltalk
Interfaces and Specifications for the Smalltalk-80 Collection Classes
Issues in Translating Smalltalk to Java
Iterate Applications Not Just Prototypes
Konzeption und Implementierung eines Window-Handlers fur CADMUS PCS
L art du Mor (Meta object Protocol) en CLOS. Application a Smalltalk
Mechanisms for Interpretation of OO Systems Design Metrics
Merging Petri Nets and Objects
Network Advisor
Object Fault Handling for Persistent Programming Languages: A Performance Evaluation
Object Management in a Persistent Smalltalk System
Oks: un Langage de Representation des Connaissances Efficase et Uniforme en Smalltalk-80
Optimizing Method Search with Lookup Caches and Incremental Coloring
Optimizing Smalltalk by Selector Code Indexing Can Be Practical
Panel: Aims, Means, and Futures of Object-Oriented Languages
Persistent Storage for a Workflow Tool Implemented in Smalltalk
Polymorphish Considered Harmful
Portia: An Instance-Centered Environments for Smalltalk
Precise Type Analysis by Abstract Interpretation
Smalltalk in the Telecommunications Industry
Smalltalk on the Rise
Smalltalk Reaches Grossroads in the Insurance Industry
Smalltalk Training: As Innovative as the Environment
Smalltalk Under the Umbrella: The Travelers Smalltalk Experience
Strongtalk: Typechecking Smalltalk in a Production Environment
Taming Concurrency in Smalltalk - the Procol Approach
TAO- A Lisp Dialect with Multiple Paradigms
Testing Smalltalk Applications
The Design and Implementation of HoME
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