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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Completeness Refinement in Abstract Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation
Composable Message Semantics in Oberon
Composing Specifications
Compositionality in SLD-derivations and their Abstractions
Compositional Optimization of Disjunctive Abstract Interpretations
Concept Bases and Algebraic Modeling Methods
Concepts for a Flexible Service Architecture
CONCUR 2010 - Concurrency Theory: Proc./21st International Conference, CONCUR 2010, Paris, France, August/September 2010
Concurrent Abstract Machines
Consistency and Orderability: Semantics-Based Correctness Criteria for Databases
Constraint Databases and Program Analysis Using Abstract Interpretation
Constructing Specific SOS Semantics for Concurrency via Abstract Interpretation
Constructive Specifications of Abstract Data Types Using Temporal Logic
Constructs, Concepts and Criteria for Reuse in Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages
Cost Hierarchies for Abstract Parallel Machines
C Wolf - A Toolset for Extracting Models from C Programs
Data Dependences as Abstract Interpretations
Data Flow Analysis is Model Checking of Abstract Interpretations
Dealing with Different Levels of Abstraction in a Data Structures Course
Declarative Debugging of Abstract Data Types in Godel
Decompilation is the Efficient Enumeration of Types
Defining Equations in Terminal Coalgebras
Denotational Abstract Interpretation of Functional Logic Programs
Denotational Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs
Dependency Analysis of Mobile Systems
Derivation and Safety of an Abstract Unification Algorithm for Groundness and Aliasing Analysis
Derivation of Linear Size Relations by Abstract Interpretation
Derivation of Proof Methods by Abstract Interpretation
Deriving and Using Destructive Data Types
Deriving Termination Proofs for Logic Programs, using Abstract Procedures
Design and Static Semantics of Algorithm Language L
Design of a Specification Language by Abstract Syntax Engineering (prliminary version)
DIANA Reference Manual. Revision 3
Distinctness and Sharing Domains for Static Analysis of Java Programs
Domain Analysis for Manufacturig: Formalization
Domain Compression for Complete Abstractions
"Don t Know" in the Mu-Calculus
DREAM: The DistRibuted Eden Abstract Machine
Dynamic Abstract Data Types Based on Algebraic Graph Transformations
Dynamic Typing in Polymorphic Languages
Edicates - A Specification of Calling Sequences
Effect Analysis in Higher-Order Languages
Efficient Bottom-up Abstract Interpretation of Prolog by Means of Constraint Solving over Symbolic Finite Domains
Efficient Chaotic Iteration Strategies with Widenings
Efficient Closure Utilization by Higher-Order Inheritance Analysis
Elements of Style: Analyzing a Software Design Feature with a Counterexample Detector
Embedding functiionally described abstract data types into Modula-2 programs
Entwicklung und Implementierung eines abstrakten Datentyps fur geordnete Baume am Beispiel eines abstrakten Programmbaums
Evaluation of Mechanisms for Fine-Grained Parallel Programs in the J-Machine and the CM-5
Exception handling and term labelling
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