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Связанные издания:
Executing Bounded Quantifications on Shared Memory Multiprocessors
Existentially Quantified Procedures: A Mechanism for Abstracting Type in Dynamic Typing Constructs
Experimental Evaluation of a Generic Abstract Interpretation Algorithm for PROLOG
Extending AlgBench with a Type System
Extending the Warren Abstract Machine to Polimorphic Order-Sorted Resolution
-extension of Algebraic Specification
Extent Analysis of Data Fields
Fast Abstract Interpretation Using Sequential Algorithms
Fast and Efficient Cache Behaviour Prediction
FCP Sequential Abstract Machine Characteristics for the Systems Development Workload
Fields of Logic and Computation: Essays Dedicated to Yuri Gurevich on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday
Final Algebras, Cosemicomputable Algebras and Degrees of Unsolvability
Finiteness Conditions for Strictness Analysis
FM 2015: Formal Methods: Proc./20th International Symposium, Oslo, Norway, June 2015
Formal Methods for Executable Software Models: Advanced Lectures/14th International School on FM for the Design of Computer, Communication, and Software Systems, SFM 2014, Bertinoro, Italy, June 2014
Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures: Proc./14th International Conference, FOSSACS 2011 Held as a Part of the Joint European Conferences ETAPS 2011, Saarbrucken, Germany, March 2011
Fractional Types
Framework for Abstract Interpretation
Freeness Analysis Througn Linear Refinement
From Abstract Data Types to Algebraic Development Techniques: A Shift of Paradigms
From Abstract Data Types to Logical Framework
From Abstract Data Types to Shift Registers: A Case Study in Formal Specification and Verification at Differing Levels of Abstraction using Theorem Proving and Symbolic Simulation
From DFA-Frameworks to DFA-Generators: A Unifying Multiparadigm Approach
From Static to Dynamic Abstract Data-Types
Fully Abstract Models for Nondeterministic Regular Expressions
Fully Abstract Semantics for Higher Order Communicating Systems (Extended Abstract)
Functional and Constraint Logic Programming: Revised Selected Papers/19th International Workshop, WFLP 2010, Madrid, Spain, January 2010
Functional Dependencies and Moore-Set Completions of Abstract Interpretations and Semantics
Fundamentals of Computation Theory: Proc./14th Intern. Symp., FCT 2003, Malmo, Sweden, August 2003
Galois Connection Based Abstract Interpretations for Strictness Analysis
Gate Splitting in LOTOS Specifications Using Abstract Interpretation
GENA - A Tool for Generating Prolog Analyzers from Specifications
Generalized Constraint Propagation: A Stady in C
Generating Finite State Machines from Abstract State Machines
Generation of efficient interprocedural analyzers with PAG
Genetic Abstract Interpretation Algorithms for Prolog: Two Optimization Techniques and Their Experimental Evaluation
Global Analysis of Standard Prolog Programs
Heterogeneous Data Structures and Cross-Classification of Objects with Ada95
Heterogeneous Unified Algebras
Higher-Order Abstract Syntax with Induction in Isabelle/HOL: Formalizing the pi-Calculus and Mechanizing the Theory of Contexts
Immediate Reuse of Software Modules in Heterogeneous Environments
Implementation and Application of Functional Languages: Revised Selected Papers/22nd International Symposium, IFL 2010, Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, September 2010
Implementation of a Universal Unification Algorithm for Macro Tree Transducers
Implementation of Multiple Specialization in Logic Programs
Implementation Specifications
Implementing Algebraically Specified Abstract Data Types in an Imperative Programming Language
Implementing Groudness Analysis with Definite Boolean Functions
Improving Abstract Interpretations by Systematic Lifting to the Powerset
Improving the Result of Static Analyses of Programs by Logical Decreasing Iterations
In Black and White: An Integrated Approach to Class-Level Testing of Object-Oriented Programs
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